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Directions For Use

Package Contents:

1 Cric-Key introducer/tube
1 Cric-Knife with tracheal hook
1 Stabilizing strap
1 Inflation syringe
1 Wedge
1 Extension Tube


Product Description:

The Control-Cric™ is a Cricothyrotomy System which verifies tracheal location during a surgical airway procedure, without 

the need for visualization, air aspiration, or reliance of fine motor skills. 

The System includes the Cric-Knife™ and Cric-Key™.

The Cric-Knife: 

A 10mm long dual sided blade with an integrated sliding tracheal hook. 

The Cric-Key:

 A pre-shaped introducer that provides airway confirmation with tactile 

feedback from the tracheal rings, along with a soft cric-tube with cuff.

Instructions For Use:


A. Position patient supine and identify the cricothyroid membrane. Stabilize the larynx with thumb and middle finger

       with non-dominant hand. 

B. Use the Cric-Knife to incise skin. A vertical skin incision from mid-thyroid cartilage to the cricoid cartilage is 
     recommended (usually about 2 finger breadths). 

In patients with a thick neck a longer incision may 

     be needed. A horizontal skin incision may be used when landmarks are evident. 

C. After palpating the cricothyroid membrane, turn the Cric-Knife to a horizontal position over the cricothyroid
     membrane. Push the blade downward, perpendicular to the trachea, until the blade is fully inserted and the airway
     is entered. 


A. While maintaining downward force, slide the tracheal hook down the handle with your thumb until

         the hook is felt to enter the trachea, and it disengages from the handle. Grab the tracheal hook 
         with the non-dominant hand, lifting up on the thyroid cartilage. 

B. Insert Cric-Key through incision. Confirm placement by moving the device along anterior wall of 
     trachea to feel for the tracheal rings. Indicators of incorrect placement could be: tenting of the skin, 
     difficulty advancing the Cric-Key tube, or lack of tactile feedback from the tracheal rings. 

C. Once placement has been confirmed, advance Cric-Key tube to the flange. Stabilize the Cric-Key tube
     and pivot the tracheal hook toward the patient’s shoulder to remove from airway. 


A. While stabilizing the Cric-Key tube, remove the Cric-Key introducer. Inflate the cuff until resistance is met.      

B. Confirm placement. Secure with stabilizing strap. 

C. Attach manual resuscitator. Ventilate and auscultate lung fields. Reassess. 



• Procedure is best done with the patient’s head extended (if cervical spine is intact). If this is not advisable, and if two
   people are available, one should place both thumbs on patient’s maxillae (cheekbones) and your index and middle
  fingers on both sides of the mandible (lower jaw) where it angles toward the ear. Apply upward pressure with your
  fingers without tilting the head. 
• Use provided 15mm disconnect wedge to disengage attachment from 15mm connection.


• Federal Law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician 
• This product must be used by personnel thoroughly trained in the techniques of emergency airway management. 
• Over inflation of cuff may cause cuff failure or tracheal mucosal injury. 

Dispose of Control-Cric System according to local established protocols when finished with use.


• Store in clean, dry conditions away from excessive heat and light.
• Consideration should be given to: 
     • Distorted anatomy
     • Subcutaneous abscess
     • Hematoma
     • Post-operative scarring
     • Coagulopathies or systemic thrombolytic therapy
• Excessive force can cause injury to laryngeal cartilages. 
• Scalpel and hook insertion through the cricothyroid membrane should be perpendicular to the larynx to avoid injuring   
  the vocal cords.
• Improperly inflated cuff may result in aspiration. It is recommended to  monitor the indwelling cuff pressure regularly.
• Removal of tracheal hook prior to full insertion of Cric-Key tube can result in damaged cuff.
• Horizontal skin incision may be associated with a greater risk of bleeding. 
• Cuff should be filled with saline in case of altitude change. 

Made in the USA


2055 Executive Drive

Indianapolis, IN 46241




Pulmodyne is a registered trademark of Pulmodyne, Inc. 

Control-Cric™, Cric-Key™, and Cric-Knife™ are trademarks of Pulmodyne, Inc. 


-Medical Device 

Содержание Control-Cric

Страница 1: ...e Cric Key tube and pivot the tracheal hook toward the patient s shoulder to remove from airway 3 A While stabilizing the Cric Key tube remove the Cric Key introducer Inflate the cuff until resistance is met B Confirm placement Secure with stabilizing strap C Attach manual resuscitator Ventilate and auscultate lung fields Reassess Recommendations Procedure is best done with the patient s head exte...

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Страница 4: ...aya confirmado la colocación haga avanzar la cánula Cric Key hasta el reborde Estabilice la cánula Cric Key y gire el gancho traqueal hacia el hombro del paciente para retirarlo de las vías respiratorias 3 A Mientras estabiliza la cánula Cric Key retire el introductor Cric Key Infle el manguito hasta que se encuentre resistencia B Confirme que está colocado correctamente Fíjelo con el cinturón est...

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Страница 6: ...itus on varmistettu vie Cric Key letku laippaan Vakauta Cric Key letku ja käännä henkitorven koukku kohti potilaan olkapäätä ilmatiestä poistamiseksi 3 A Samalla kun vakautat Cric Key letkua poista Cric Key sisäänviejä Täytä käännettä kunnes tunnet vastusta B Varmista sijoitus Kiinnitä vakautushihnalla C Liitä manuaalinen hengityskone Tuuleta ja auskultoi keuhkot Arvioi uudelleen Suositukset Toime...

Страница 7: ...firmée avancez le tube Cric Key jusqu à la bride Stabilisez le tube Cric Key et faites pivoter le crochet trachéal vers l épaule du patient pour le dégager des voies respiratoires 3 A Tout en stabilisant le tube Cric Key retirez l introducteur Cric Key Gonflez le brassard jusqu à ce que la résistance soit atteinte B Confirmez le placement Fixez à l aide de la sangle stabilisatrice C Attachez le ré...

Страница 8: ...i Cric Key fino alla flangia Stabilizzare la cannula Cric Key e ruotare l uncino tracheale verso la spalla del paziente per rimuoverlo dalle vie aeree 3 A Mentre si stabilizza la cannula Cric Key rimuovere l introduttore Cric Key Gonfiare la cuffia fino a che si incontra resistenza B Confermare il posizionamento Fissare con la cinghia stabilizzatrice C Collegare il rianimatore manuale Ventilare e ...

Страница 9: ...r de Cric Key slang en draai de tracheale haak naar de schouder van de patiënt om deze uit de luchtweg te verwijderen 3 A Terwijl u de Cric Key slang stabiliseert verwijdert u de Cric Key introducer Blaas de manchet op tot de weerstand is bereikt B Bevestig de plaatsing Zet vast met de stabilisatieband C Bevestig het handmatige beademingsapparaat Ventileer en ausculteer de longvelden Opnieuw beoor...

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Страница 12: ...mado o posicionamento faça avançar o tubo Cric Key até ao retalho Estabilize o tubo Cric Key e gire o gancho traqueal no sentido do ombro do doente para o remover das vias aéreas 3 A Ao mesmo tempo que estabiliza o tubo Cric Key remova o introdutor Cric Key Insufle o balão até encontrar resistência B Confirme o posicionamento Prenda com a fita estabilizadora C Fixe o ressuscitador manual Ventile e...

Страница 13: ...är placering har bekräftats för du fram Cric Key slangen till flänsen Stabilisera Cric Key slangen och vrid trakealkroken mot patientens axel för att avlägsna från luftvägen 3 A Ta bort Cric Key introducern medan du stabiliserar Cric Key slangen Blåsa upp kuffen tills motstånd möts B Bekräfta placeringen Sätt fast med stabiliseringsremmen C Fäst den manuella återupplivningsenheten Ventilera och au...

Страница 14: ...ilir C Yerleştirme teyit edildikten sonra Cric Key tüpünü flanşa ilerletin Cric Key tüpünü sabitleyin ve kancayı hastanın omzuna doğru döndürerek hava yolundan çıkarın 3 A Cric Key tüpünü sabitlerken Cric Key introdüserini çıkarın Dirençle karşılaşana kadar manşonu şişirin B Cihazın yerleştiğinden emin olun Sabitleme kayışıyla sabitleyin C Manuel suni solunum cihazını takın Akciğer alanlarını hava...
