"Heating circuit" function
Selecting the heating curve from a set of curves
Assuming a desired room temperature of 20 °C, a corresponding supply line setpoint
temperature is derived from the selected heating curve and the outdoor temperature
development. The parameters "Supply line max limit" and "Supply line min limit" are used
as absolute limits for the supply line setpoint temperatures of the upper and lower
heating circuits. You can use the parameters "Switch-off day" and "Switch-off night" to
define the outdoor temperature at which the heating circuits are switched off if exceeded.
The example graphic shows that when curve 1 (yellow) is selected and the outdoor
temperature is -15 °C, the supply line setpoint temperature will be 60 °C.
Unmixed heating circuit
The heat source of the heating circuit (middle of storage tank) will be adjusted to the
corresponding supply line setpoint temperature on the basis of the configured settings
(linear heating curve/selection from a set of curves) according to the development of the
outdoor temperature.
When the heating circuit pump is activated, the requested temperature of the
heat source (middle of storage tank) goes directly into the heating circuit without
control and mixer control.
In the "Program" menu you can use the parameters "Warmer-Colder" and "Reduction
temperature" to manually influence the supply line setpoint temperatures of the heating
circuits. The "Warmer-Colder" parameter produces a general increase or reduction of the
supply line setpoint temperature. The "Reduction temperature" indicates by how many