Style conventions used in the text
Specific style conventions are assigned to different elements in the manual. This makes it
easy to recognise the type of text concerned:
Standard text,
"Menu", "Menu item", "Button designations",
lists and
Notes accompanied by this symbol contain information about how to operate the
controller economically.
Style conventions for hazard warnings
This manual makes reference to the following categories of hazard warnings:
Information or instructions accompanied by the word DANGER provide a
warning about a hazardous situation that will lead to fatal or serious
Information or instructions accompanied by the word WARNING provide a
warning about a hazardous situation that may possibly lead to fatal or
serious injuries.
Information or instructions accompanied by the word CAUTION provide a
warning about a situation that can lead to minor or moderate injuries.
Style conventions for warnings of damage to property or
the environment
Information and instructions of this kind provide a warning about a
situation that can lead to damage to property or the environment.