Chapter 3
This chapter describes how to configure and manage a stand-alone Harmony 802.11a
Access Point in Independent mode using its Web configuration tool.
If you have one or more Harmony AP Controllers on the network, refer to the
Harmony Access Point Controller User’s Guide for information on how to con-
figure and manage Access Points using an AP Controller.
Connecting to the Access Point
After installing the Access Point as described in Chapter 2 beginning on page 18, use
the web configuration tool to change or confirm the configuration of the 802.11a
network. Follow these steps:
Determine the Access Point’s IP address. Keep in mind the following:
• If you have a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server on your net-
work, the server will assign the Access Point an IP address automatically. You
can find the AP’s IP address by locating the AP’s MAC address (12 digit ID
printed on the underside of the unit) in the server’s DHCP assignment list.
• If you do not have a DHCP server, the Access Point will use its default
x.y address, which is printed on the underside of the unit.
Determine what computer you will use to connect to the Access Point’s Web
configuration tool. Use a computer connected to the same Ethernet network as
the Access Point or a computer equipped with an 802.11a wireless adapter.
If necessary, configure the computer to accept an address automatically from a
DHCP server.
• If you have a DHCP server, the server will automatically assign the computer an
IP address that is in the same IP network as the Access Point.
• If you do not have a DHCP server, the computer will default to a 169.254.
address that is compatible with the AP’s default IP address.