The Link LED on the rear panel will light to indicate that the Access Point has a
network connection. The LED is lit green if connected to a 100Base-TX network
and lit amber if connected to a 10Base-T network.
By default, the Harmony 802.11a Access Point will attempt to find an AP
Controller to partner with.
• If you have one or more AP Controllers on the network, an AP Controller will
automatically detect and configure the Access Point over the network (assum-
ing you have not disabled the Harmony System’s ability to automatically
detect new Access Points). Refer to the
Harmony Access Point Controller User’s
Guide for more information on how to configure an Access Point.
• If you do not have an AP Controller on the network, the Access Point will auto-
matically operate in Independent mode (which does not require an AP Control-
ler) if it cannot find an AP Controller during boot up. To indicate that it is in
Independent mode, the Access Point’s Status LED will blink green in a repeat-
ing pattern (the LED will remain on for two seconds and then turn off momen-
tarily). See “Configuration” on page 25 for configuration information.