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Section 1: Before You Start
This section explains:
Base safety procedures
Where to find detailed information relating safety.
Storage guidelines.
Installation, adjustment, putting into service, use, assembly, disassembly and
maintenance of the pneumatic actuator must be performed by qualified personnel.
Failure to follow the above guidelines will void warranty.
Actuator must be isolated both pneumatically and electrically before any (dis)assembly
starts. Before mounting or (dis)assembly, the actuator consults the relevant sections of
this manual.
Installation, Operation and
Maintenance Reference Documents
Before you start, read the following documents:
All chapters in this manual.
Safety Guide (Document No. TL.32.A210-SG.EN).
Failure to read the Safety Guide will void the warranty.
Not following the instructions of the Safety Guide can lead to failure of the product and
harm to personnel or equipment.
Warehouse Storage
All actuators should be stored in a clean, dry warehouse, free from excessive
vibration and rapid temperature changes.
All actuators should not be stored directly to the floor surface - it must be placed
in racks/shelves or use a pallet.