Chapter 1
Thank you for purchasing a Proton Control Systems’ product. Before operating your
Husky transmitter and Ken receiver, please read this manual carefully and retain it for
future reference.
Safety Precaution
Transmitter and Receiver
- Do not operate two or more models on the same frequency at any given time. This
will cause interference and loss of control of models. Although there can be
different methods of modulation (AM, FM(PPM),PCM, etc.) being used, the same
frequency must not be used at the same time, regardless of the signal format.
- Extend the transmitter antenna to its full length. If the transmitter antenna is not
fully extended the operating range of the radio will be reduced.
- Always perform an operating range check prior to use. Do not operate the model if
you notice any abnormality. Problems with the radio control system or improper
installation in a model could cause loss of control.
- Check the transmitter antenna to be sure it is not loose. If the transmitter
antenna works itself loose, or is disconnected while the model is running, signal
transmission will be lost. This will cause you to lose control of your model.
- Be sure to turn on the power switches in the proper sequence. At startup, turn on
transmitter first, and then the receiver. At shutdown, turn off the receiver first,
then the transmitter.
Before powering on your unit, always make sure the throttle trigger on your
transmitter is at its neutral position. Transmission of the signal can take up to 5 seconds after
the power switch is tuned on. 5 seconds are needed for synthesizing the frequency.
Therefore the power to your receiver should be turned on at least 5 seconds after the
transmitter is powered on so that the receiver can quickly synchronize with the signal from
your transmitter. When turning off the system power switches, always make sure the engine
is not running. If the power switches are turned off while the engine is running or in reverse
order, your model may unexpectedly run out of control.
Operating R/C
- Use this product for surface models only. (Cars, trucks, boats, etc.)
- Do not operate in rain, snow, or if there are puddles of water present. Should any
type of moisture (water or snow) come in contact with any components of the
system, erratic operation and loss of control may occur.
- Operate only when you are fully alert to your surroundings. Do not operate if you
are under the influence of alcohol, drug, or medication. Your impaired judgment
can result in serious injury to yourself as well as others.
- Do not operate in the following places: sites where you may interfere with other
radio control activities, where the general public can be found, on public roads
and near high-tension power lines or communication broadcasting antennas.
- Always perform an operating range check and do not lose sight of you model.
- Do not leave your R/C system or model within the reach of children. A child may
accidentally operate the system and cause injuries to him / himself and others.
Safety Precaution