PROFIBUS DPV0/DPV1 Master or Slave to EtherNet/IP™ or Modbus® Gateway
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 31 of 196
Force to Clear
Logix Program Mode
Specifies the PROFIBUS Master behavior when Logix is set in Program mode,
Force to Offline
Force to Clear
Modbus Comms Fail
Specifies the PROFIBUS Master behavior when losing communication with
the Modbus device, either:
Force to Offline
Force to Clear
Extra DPV1 Poll / Cycle
The number of additional DPV1 Polls (Class 2) per PROFIBUS Cycle.
Increasing this parameter results in faster Asset Management DTM updates.
DP Slaves Online
during Communication
(Slave Mode Only)
This parameter will allow the DP DPV0 communication to continue when
communication it lost on either Modbus (Master or Slave) or EtherNet/IP
Explicit Messaging. When this is not set, the DP DPV0 communication will be
stopped when the communication to the previously mentioned interfaces is
Error Management
Token Retry Limit
Token Retry Limit is the number of times that a PROFIBUS Master tries to
pass the token before deciding that a station is not there. Value must be in the
following range:
Min: 0
Max: 5
Default: 3
Message Retry Limit
Message Retry Limit is the number of telegram repetitions if the address
doesn’t react. Value must be in the following range:
Min: 0
Max: 5
Default: 1
Target Rotation Time indicates the maximum time available for a token
circulation (time for PROFIBUS token to be passed to another master and be
back). It takes in account the number of slaves with their IO size (data
exchanges telegram), different telegrams needed and their duration times
(FDL status, global control, pass token), all mandatory timing with respect to
standard (time slot, min and max Tsdr, Tqui, Tset, …) and a
safety margin which allows bandwidth for acyclic messages (DPV1, …).
Min: 0
Max: 16777215
Slot Time (TSL)
Slot Time (in tbits) is the maximum time the PLX51-PBM will wait, after the
transmission of a request, for the reception of the first byte (Tchar) of an
answer. (It allows detecting a timeout.) It can be increased when repeaters are
used in the PROFIBUS network topology. The value must respect the rule:
Min: 37
Max: 16383
Gap Update Factor
Gap Update Factor: The range of addresses between 2 consecutive active
stations is called GAP. This GAP is submitted to a cyclic check during which
the system identifies the station condition (not ready, ready or passive).
Min: 1
Max: 100
Quiet Time (TQUI)
Quiet time (in tbits) is the time that a station may need to switch from sending
to receiving. It must respect the rule:
Min: 0
Max: 255