PROFIBUS DPV0/DPV1 Master or Slave to EtherNet/IP™ or Modbus® Gateway
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 180 of 196
PROFIBUS Packet Capture
The module provides the capability to capture the PROFIBUS traffic for analysis. The
will allow the user and the support team to view the packet stream. To invoke the
capture of the module, double-click on the DP Packet Capture item in the Project
Explorer tree.
Figure 8.29 - Selecting PROFIBUS Packet Capture
The DP Packet Capture window will open and automatically start capturing all
PROFIBUS packets.
Figure 8.30 - PROFIBUS packet capture
NOTE: The module will capture packets until the user presses Stop or when 10,000 DP packets have
been reached.