7.1 Maintenance
Maintenance intervals
Maintenance intervals strongly depend on the feed
chemical, the hydraulic conditions and the effective run-
time of the components. No general statement on main‐
tenance intervals can therefore be provided. The mainte‐
nance intervals recommended and specified in the
operating instructions are based on many years of expe‐
rience. However, the maintenance intervals may alter
due to the prevailing operating conditions.
Carry out regular checks on the metering system. Pay attention to the
operating instructions for the components:
Tightness, visible damage and signs of corrosion
Check the tightness of the seat of all components of the metering
Remove deposits of dust and soiling
Check the capacities
Check the charging pressure of the pulsation damper (bladder
damper) – pay particular attention to the filling medium.
Check the settings of the back pressure and relief valves, especially
when changing the capacity
Check and maintain the metering pumps in line with the corre‐
sponding operating instructions
Check any flow meter equipment and flow displays fitted
Regularly replace wear parts, especially in the pump heads. If the wear
parts are not regularly replaced, it can lead to damage or excessive noise
emission levels.
Annually check all fittings for correct function and leak-tightness. Replace
the seals, O-rings, diaphragms or all fittings etc., if required.
Following any maintenance work, check the functionality and leak-tight‐
ness of the metering system.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting