Nature and source of the danger
Consequence: Fatal or very serious injuries.
Measure to be taken to avoid this danger.
Description of hazard
Denotes an immediate threatening danger. If the sit‐
uation is disregarded, it will result in fatal or very
serious injuries.
Nature and source of the danger
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious injuries.
Measure to be taken to avoid this danger.
Denotes a possibly hazardous situation. If the situa‐
tion is disregarded, it could result in fatal or very
serious injuries.
Nature and source of the danger
Possible consequence: Slight or minor injuries. Material
Measure to be taken to avoid this danger.
Denotes a possibly hazardous situation. If the situa‐
tion is disregarded, it could result in slight or minor
injuries. May also be used as a warning about mate‐
rial damage.
Nature and source of the danger
Damage to the product or its surroundings.
Measure to be taken to avoid this danger.
Denotes a possibly damaging situation. If the situa‐
tion is disregarded, the product or an object in its
vicinity could be damaged.
Type of information
Hints on use and additional information.
Source of the information. Additional measures.
Denotes hints on use and other useful information. It
does not indicate a hazardous or damaging situa‐
Safety and responsibility