LED Disable (All LEDs will be Off when it is 1.)
RED LED Control
BLUE LED Control
Motor Stops
Motor Operating
18. Goal Position
Goal position is a value that represents the desired positional value to move to. The goal position value will be affected
by both the short and long stroke limits. (i.e., if the position command is out of the stroke limit range, it will only move to
the stroke limit position)
For the 1.06” stroke models, the goal position value at 1.06” is 3686 due to the long stroke limit setting. It can be
extended to 1.18” (4095) if desired.
19. Present Position [0~4095]
Refers to the current position value that is being monitored.
Range is between 0~4095 and the motor can normally readjust even after stopping at the desired position.
21. Present Voltage
Refers to the current input voltage. Unit is in 0.1V (For example, 74 means 7.4V).
22. Moving
Refers to the moving status of the motor
20. Present Motor Operating Rate [0~2047]
Refers to the Current Motor Operating Rate that is being monitored. This can be affected by goal current, goal speed,
acceleration/deceleration adjustment.
Range is between 0~2047.
The value 0 indicates the motor has stopped.
The Motor Operating Rate on short stroke direction (retracting) is between 1~1023.
The Motor Operating Rate on long stroke direction (extending) is between 1024~2047.
17. LED
Refers to the control LED when there is no Error indication.
P a g e | 23
Progressive Automations – Position Control Communication Protocol
The mechanical design of our PA-12 allows it to keep its position even after motor power loss. For
instance, the PA-12 experiencing 9lbs force against the rod will stick to its position firmly after motor
power is off.
So, in case the actuator needs to keep a certain position (if mechanical frictional force is able to keep its
position under power-off condition against your load), apply the FORCE OFF parameter. In this case, the
communication line is still alive while the motor power is off to help the actuator have a longer lifespan.
Upon receiving a new positional command, the actuator will have FORCE on and then proceed with its
next movement.