PortaNet User Manual
39 of 156
Establishing a call when PortaNet is configured as an IP
Unicast/Multicast codec
Pressing CALL 1 the screen will display the following:
The user must select which kind of communication will be used:
Unicast Bidirectional
This is a bidirectional point to point connection,
that is, both ends will transmit and receive audio simultaneously. It will be
necessary to check the upload and download bandwidth on the link.
Unicast Unidirectional Tx
This is a unidirectional point to point
communication where only the end which makes the call will send audio.
Unicast Unidirectional Rx
This is a unidirectional point to point
communication, where the calling end will be the receiver.
Multicast Tx
This is point to multipoint communication in which the
calling end will join a multicast group as a transmitter.
Multicast Rx
This is point to multipoint communication in which the
calling end will join a multicast group as a receiver.
Next, depending on the selected option will show:
L A N L 1 M O D E
{ M U L T I C A S T } U N I C A S T
L A N L 1 M O D E
{ M U L T I C A S T } U N I C A S T
L A N L 1 M O D E
{ T x } R x
L A N L 1 D I A L
2 2 4 . 0 . 0 . 2