PortaNet User Manual
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Establishing a UNICAST connection from the PortaNet
The procedure for establishing a connection is very similar to that of making an
ISDN call; we enter the call initiation menu by pressing the CALL 1 key and enter
the IP address of the unit we wish to connect to. As we have already
mentioned, the audio data connection is bi-directional (as in an ISDN codec) and
we need two connections, one in each direction. For this, the PortaNet that
receives and accepts the call will automatically call back to the originating
PortaNet and establish a reverse connection.
This is all represented in the following diagram:
For more information about which protocols Prodys IP units use, please read
chapter IX.6.6.
Establishing a MULTICAST communication from the PortaNet
With MULTICAST the calls must be made from both ends. Both the sender of
the data and all the receivers of the data must call to establish a connection to
the multicast group. The multicast operation can be shown in the following
To initiate audio distribution the role of the transmitter unit and the roles of all
the receiver units must be set up for the group. These modes can be selected
from the menu
where you select
(transmitter) or
(receiver). Once this is done, the calls can be established.
This can be done in any order, that is, calls can be set up first from the
transmitter and then from each of the receivers, or the other way round. The
Calling to
Audio P-RTP