Usage instructions SPEEDY F4 & F2
Figure 185: Correct positioning of the wheelchair in
the vehicle
The two rear belts (retractors) must be ar-
ranged symmetrically and anchored at an an-
gle of 30° to max. 45° from the horizontal on
the vehicle floor. The two front belts must also
be arranged symmetrically, and the angle from
the horizontal must lie in the 40° to max. 60°
range. The retractors for the front and rear
must not be swapped.
Figure 186: Run of the retractors at the front and
rear with maximum tensioning angle and connecting
points (view from the side)
The two rear belts must each be fastened
symmetrically at a max. angle of 10° outwards
from the vertical.
Figure 187: Run of the retractors at the rear with
maximum tensioning angle and attaching points
(view from the rear)
The two front belts must also each be fastened
symmetrically at a max. angle of 25° outwards
from the vertical.
Figure 188: Run of the retractors at the front with
maximum tensioning angle and attaching points
(view from the front)
The user should be secured with both the lap
belt and the diagonal shoulder belt in order to
reduce the possibility of the head and chest
impacting against vehicle components or other
passengers and their wheelchairs.