1. CAUTION: Connect and disconnect DC output clips only after setting any switches with an OFF position to OFF and
removing AC power cord from electric outlet. Never allow clips to touch each other.
2. When hooking up charger, attach one clip to battery and the other to a point away from battery (see sections G & H).
Do not hook up charger until reading sections A–J.
3. Always make battery connections prior to plugging charger into AC outlet.
To reduce explosion risk, never connect both clips directly to the battery. When making each connection, twist or rock clip
back and forth several times to make a good connection and to reduce the risk of a clip slipping off and creating a spark.
Do not twist or rock clip on the battery after the second clip connection is made.
1. Locate the charger as far away from the battery as DC
cables permit.
2. Never place the charger directly above the battery
being charged; gases from the battery will corrode and
damage the charger.
3. Never allow battery acid to drip on the charger when
reading specific gravity or filling the battery.
4. Do not operate the charger in a closed area or restrict
ventilation in any way.
5. Do not set a battery on top of the charger.
6. Locate the charger at least 18” above the floor.
7. Do not place the charger where rain, snow, or other
moisture could drip on it.
1. If it is necessary to remove battery from vehicle to
charge, always remove grounded terminal from battery
first. Make sure all accessories in the vehicle are off,
so as not to cause an arc.
2. Be sure area around battery is well ventilated while
battery is being charged. Gas can be forcefully blown
away by using a piece of cardboard or other non-
metallic material as a fan.
3. Clean battery terminals with a mixture of baking soda
and hot water. Be careful to keep corrosion from
coming in contact with eyes.
4. Add distilled water in each cell until battery acid
reaches level specified by battery manufacturer. This
helps purge excessive gas from cells. Do not overfill.
For Maintenance Free Batteries - carefully follow
manufacturer’s recharging instructions.
5. Study all battery manufacturer’s specific precautions
such as removing or not removing cell caps while
charging and recommended rates of charge.
6. Determine voltage of battery by referring to vehicle
owner’s manual and make sure that charger output
voltage matches vehicle voltage.