PG-200 Operation Manual
Version 2.D
Pin 2
Pin 3
Pin 4
No connection
Pin 5
Pin 6
Data terminal ready
Pin 7
Clear to send
Pin 8
Request to send
Pin 9
No connection
The PG-200 has been calibrated for good absolute accuracy. The calibration constants
are stored in a battery-backed memory which should maintain data for at least ten years
under normal conditions. If the calibration constants are lost for some reason, the PG-200
should still have good relative accuracy. Those applications that use an oscilloscope as a
reference for setting pulser parameters, for example, will not be affected. If the
calibration constants are lost and calibration is required, the existing battery will have to
be replaced and the calibration constants will have to be re-entered through the serial
interface using special software run on a remote computer. A disk containing the factory
calibration constants for that particular unit plus utilities is shipped with each unit. The
battery is located in the memory IC socket and the entire socket must be replaced. This
should only be done by Princeton Instruments authorized personnel.
Two utilities are included on the disk for saving and restoring calibration data that is
stored in battery-backed RAM inside the PG-200. PSAVE.EXE saves the calibration
values to disk. The only time this has to be done is if a value has to be changed. Do not
change calibration values without first contacting the factory. PRESTORE.EXE restores
calibration values to the PG-200. This program should be run in the event of battery
replacement for the RAM or for a change in the firmware (EPROM update).
Before running these programs, make sure that the serial number on the diskette matches
the serial number on the back of the pulser. This is especially important if you own more
than one PG-200. When prompted for a file name, use the file name written on the
If the pulser configuration is modified by changing one of the internal jumpers, the
JUMPERS program must be run informing the PG-200 of the change so that it can
recalibrate itself. If absolute accuracy within about 30 nanoseconds is not required, this
can be omitted.
Jumper Fields
It is recommended that jumper fields be configured by Princeton Instruments authorized
personnel before shipment. Unless specified otherwise, units are shipped with outputs
configured for +5 V negative logic signals.
Whenever a jumper configuration is changed, the JUMPERS program must be run to
inform the system of the new configuration so that the system can recalibrate itself. As
an example, when changing the INTERNAL TRIGGER OUTPUT from a +5 V logic
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