Multivariable Controller
The easiest and quickest way to program your Conso
multivariable controller is to use the FREE Conso
configuration software.
The Conso configuration software is intuitive, and most
customers can get their controller programmed as they like
without even looking in the manual.
Once your controller is programmed the way you want it, you can
wire it up for your application per the instructions in this manual
and install it. If you find that you need to adjust the programming
after the controller is installed, you can use the front panel soft
keys and the instructions in the manual to do so.
● Enter Display Tag Name for Channel
● Select a Function
● Select Input
● Select Units
● Select Decimal Position
● Select Color Scheme for Text,
Background, and Bargraph
● Check Box to Display Bargraph
● Enter Scaling for Bargraph
Channel Settings