Multivariable Controller
The Conso Multivariable Controller supports Modbus
RTU, Modbus ASCII, Enron Modbus, and Ethernet Modbus
TCP/IP. The Server mode is a standard Conso feature; it
responds to requests and accepts writes from a Modbus client.
The Conso is now available with Modbus Client,
Snooper, and Spoofer capabilities and has the ability to scan
and display up to 199 Modbus registers. This feature can be
“unlocked” on any Conso purchased after February 15,
2021 by purchasing the
Key for $500 and entering
the Key value into the Conso.
Snooper Mode
The Snooper mode can listen and read the process variables
being transmitted on the RS-485 bus without causing any
disruptions to the network. The controller can read up to 199
Modbus values, as inputs from other Modbus devices being
polled by a Modbus Client. The inputs can be used as the
source for channels, math functions, alarms, relay control, etc.
Client Mode
The Client mode can request process variables from server
devices; the input variables can be scaled, combined with
other variables using math functions, and they can be written
to other server devices using the Modbus output functions. The
controller can request up to 199 Modbus values, as inputs from
other Modbus devices. The inputs can be used as the source for
channels, math functions, alarms, relay control, etc.
Spoofer Mode
The Spoofer mode is designed to replace existing Modbus
Servers without requiring changes to the Client configuration.
Each process value can be assigned a specific Device ID and
Register Number to mimic the original server configuration.