Multivariable Controller
Number of Totalizers:
Up to 32 totalizers,
15 digits with comma separator
Totalizer Inputs:
Calculates total based on selected rate channel,
pulse input, digital input, or triggered event for non-rate channels.
Total is stored in non-volatile memory if power is lost.
Maximum Total:
18 digits, 999,999,999,999,999,999
Rate Channel Input:
4-20 mA input, Pulse input, Modbus input
Rate & Total Decimal Point:
Independent and user selectable
from 0 to 15 places
Totalizer Reset:
Via front panel keys or digital inputs
Non-Resettable Total:
Total may be set up to be non-resettable
to prevent unintentional reset. This can be changed in the Setup
Totals menu.
Total Units Conversion :
Input: Rate channel
Total units may be different than rate units. Use the custom units to
convert to any unit (e.g. Gallons to MGal: Factor = 0.000001)
Pulse Input K-Factor:
K-Factor = pulses/units of measure
Calculates total directly from pulse input, Modbus input, channel,
total, or Modbus output. Create rate channel by entering K-Factor,
units and time base in sec, min, hr, or day. Decimals: 0 to 15
Count Down:
Total can be set up to count down from a
predetermined value entered by the user.
Preset Value:
Enter the preset value to count up or down.
Reset total sets total to the preset value; to reset to zero uncheck
the Preset box.
Enter the value for total to roll-over to 0
Example: Roll-Over = 1,000,000
Total goes to 0 after 1 million
Negative Total:
Allow total value to count below 0 for bi-directional
flow based on rate channel
Total Bargraph:
Bargraph can be scaled to represent the expected
maximum total.
Function Keys:
Screen Setup: Assign F1-F4 to Reset Total,
Enter Total, Add To, or Remove From total
Previous Total:
This is the total prior to the last reset. Multiple
previous totals can be set up by selecting a previous total as the
input to a new total. The date & time is captured with the previous
Daily Total:
This is the total for the day, starting at midnight. Daily
total can be the input for previous totals to keep a record of a few
days. The date is captured with the previous total.
Grand Total:
Uses another total as the input and it is set up as
Non-Rate Total:
This total takes the input from a non-rate channel,
a trigger causes the total to increment or decrement based on the
settings selected (e.g. Input from weight scale added when digital
input is triggered).
Real Time Clock
Date Format:
Month, day, year (e.g. July 16, 2020)
Time Format:
24 hour; 00: Midnight hh:mm:ss
3 V, P/N: CR2032 included
Display Date & Time:
Displayed on the top line of Setup and
View menus, including day of the week.
Date & Time can be added to any screen.
Date & Time can be the input to a channel.
Display Format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
Converts number of pulses
to volume or other units
Scale Factor
Apply multiplier to a channel
Scale Linear 2-Pt
Scale a channel
Scale Multi-Point*
Multi-point scaling of a
Scale Square Root
Apply square root to a
channel – Differential
Pressure from two channels
Scale Exponent
Apply exponent for weirs
and flumes open channel
flow calculation
Round Horizontal
Calculate volume in round
horizontal tank with flat ends
Units Conversion
Convert base units to
custom units
Percent (Bargraph)
% bargraph of any: 4-20 mA
input, channel, total, timer,
or mA output
Text (Percent)
Text displayed based on the
% input value
Assign fixed value
Add two or more channels
Subtract any two channels
Abs Difference
Difference always positive
Absolute Value
Convert channel value to
Find the average of
Weighted Average
Assign % weight to two or
more channels
Multiply two channels
Divide two channels
Set the base and the
exponent; both can be
constants or variables
Set the base and the value;
both can be constants or
Set constants or variables for
A mod B
Sine, cosine, tangent, arc
sine, arc cosine, arc tangent.
Select the input and angle
% Efficiency
Calculate input to output
efficiency ((A-B)/A)*100%
Channel & Math Functions
*Scale multi-point:
there is no minimum input span
requirement; it is up to the user to make sure the input
values are correct.