Multivariable Controller
Number of Timers:
Up to 32
Time Format:
hh:mm:ss with 0 decimals selected
Seconds with 1 or more decimals
Automatic Actions:
Power Up: Timer action on power up
Error: Action when an error is detected
Reset: Event causes the timer to reset
Start: Event triggers the timer to start
Stop: Event causes the timer to stop
Start / Stop Reset:
The function keys and digital inputs can
be used to start, stop, and reset the timers, regardless of the
automatic actions selected.
Assignment & Operation:
Timers can be triggered, stop, and
reset, by rising or falling signals from 4 20 mA input, pulse, digital,
Modbus input, channel, total, other timers, alarm, mA output, relay,
or Modbus output.
Count Down Timer:
Select count down and enter starting time
Timer Alarm:
Timer can be used to trigger alarms
Select bargraph during setup and scale the bargraph
for 0 – 100% target time
Timer Control:
Access timer control via the
View Timer
menu or
assign a function key to timer control in the
Timer & Relay:
Timer can be assigned to drive relays based on
selected set and reset points
Modbus Outputs - Server
Standard feature
Data Type:
Signed/Unsigned: 16 (Short), 32 (Long), 64 (Long-Long)
Float 32, Float 64 (Double)
Register Numbers:
The register numbers are automatically
generated based on the Modbus output number and the output’s
data type.
Bit – Logic: 04101 – 04199
Signed/Unsigned 16: 44101 – 44199
Signed/Unsigned 32: 44201 – 44398
Signed/Unsigned 64: 45001 – 45396
Float 32: 44401 - 44598
Float 64: 44601 - 44996
Engineering Units:
Select the engineering units for the process
variable assigned to the output.
Decimal Point:
User selectable. For short and long integers this
is a multiplier applied to the input value, but it is not displayed on
the server’s screen. The Modbus client uses this setting to read the
correct value from the server.
Example: Ch 1 value = 4,379.26
MB Output Data Type: Signed 32
Decimals = 0
Output = 4,379
Decimals = 3
Output = 4,379,260
Output Action:
Specify what should happen when the output
register is read by the client (e.g. Start timer 1).
Serial Communications
RS-485 (EIA-485)
Modbus RTU or Modbus ASCII
Modbus Enron is supported by the Client and the Spoofer modes.
Device Address:
1 to 247 (Server)
Transmit Delay:
0 to 99 ms
Receive Timeout:
1 to 9 seconds
Baud Rate:
1,200 to 115,200 bps
8 bit (1 start bit, 1 stop bit)
Even, Odd, None with 1 stop bit, or None with 2 stop bits
Outputs Inputs:
199 for all modes
Modbus Outputs:
99 for all modes. The outputs can be grouped
together to be sent as blocks of registers. These Modbus outputs
are in addition to the outputs listed in the Modbus Register Tables,
see the
Communication Break:
Reports a break condition after the
response timeout has elapsed. The break condition can be: Zero,
a default value, or the text Break.
The Client goes into break condition after the server device fails to
respond and the timeout has elapsed.
The Snooper and Server modes go into break condition after no
new data is received within the response timeout window.
Alarms can be programmed to go on, off, or stay as is when a
break condition is detected. The analog outputs can be set up to
generate a fixed mA current when a break condition is detected.
Modbus Client, Snooper & Spoofer
Add-On Features PDK9000-M1:
Client, Snooper & Spoofer
The Modbus Client is an option in the Conso. It can be
purchased at the time the order is placed or it can be purchased
and enabled at any time. The Modbus Snooper & Spoofer features
are part of the Client Add-On feature.
Client: Requests data from servers and writes data to
Snooper: Listens to the RS-485 network communications and
reads the selected registers.
Spoofer: A channel is configured to pretend being a device that
has been removed from the network. The device ID and register
number is used.