200A Multi-Process Welder with LCD Display
For technical questions call 1-800-665-8685
Gas leaks externally.
Delivery pressure continues to rise with the downstream valve
The gauge pointer does not move off the stop pin when pressurized
or fails to return to the stop pin after pressure is released.
13. Do not attempt to make regulator repairs. Send faulty regulators to the
manufacturer's designated repair center.
14. Do not weld on the gas cylinder.
15. Keep your head and face away from the cylinder valve outlet when opening the
cylinder valve.
16. Compressed gas cylinders must not be located in a confined space with the
person welding to prevent the possibility of leaks displacing the oxygen.
1. Do not come into physical contact with the welding current circuit. The
welding current circuit includes:
a. The workpiece or any conductive material in contact with it.
b. The ground clamp.
c. The electrode or welding wire;
d. Any metal parts on the electrode holder or wire feed torch.
e. The output terminals.
2. Insulate yourself from the electrical current and ground using electrical
insulating mats or covers big enough to prevent physical contact with the
workpiece or ground.
3. Connect the ground clamp as close to the welding area on the workpiece
as practical to prevent welding current from traveling along an unexpected
path and causing an electric shock or fire hazard.
a. An option is to attach the ground clamp to a bare metal spot on a
metal workbench. The circuit will complete as long as the workpiece
is also in full contact with the bare metal workbench.
4. Only use insulated connectors to join welding cables.
5. Ensure there are no contacts between the workpiece and work area that
would allow it to ground, other than through the ground cable circuit