Usage Guide:
show ipv6 route only shows IPv6 kernal routing table (routing table in tcpip), database shows all routers except the
local router.
Switch#show ipv6 route
Codes: C - connected, L - Local, S - static, R - RIP, O - OSPF,
I - IS-IS, B - BGP
S 2001:2::/32 via fe80::789, Vlan2 1024
S 2001:2:3:4::/64 via fe80::123, Vlan2 1024
O 2002:ca60:c801:1::/64 via ::, Vlan1 1024
C 2003:1::/64 via ::, Vlan4 256
S 2004:1:2:3::/64 via fe80:1::88, Vlan2 1024
O 2006:1::/64 via ::, Vlan1 1024
S 2008:1:2:3::/64 via fe80::250:baff:fef2:a4f4, Vlan1 1024
C 2008:2005:5:8::/64 via ::, Ethernet0 256
S 2009:1::/64 via fe80::250:baff:fef2:a4f4, Vlan1 1024
C 2022:1::/64 via ::, Ethernet0 256
O 3333:1:2:3::/64 via fe80::20c:ceff:fe13:eac1, Vlan12 1024
C 3ffe:501:ffff:1::/64 via ::, Vlan4 256
O 3ffe:501:ffff:100::/64 via ::, Vlan5 1024
O 3ffe:3240:800d:1::/64 via ::, Vlan1 1024
O 3ffe:3240:800d:2::/64 via ::, Vlan2 1024
O 3ffe:3240:800d:10::/64 via ::, Vlan12 1024
O 3ffe:3240:800d:20::/64 via fe80::20c:ceff:fe13:eac1, Vlan12 1024
C fe80::/64 via ::, Vlan1 256
C ff00::/8 via ::, Vlan1 256
Displayed information
IPv6 Routing Table
IPv6 routing table status
Codes: K - kernel route, C -
connected, S - static, R - RIP, O -
OSPF,I - IS-IS, B - BGP > - selected
route, * - FIB route, p - stale info
Abbreviation display sign of every entry
S 2009:1::/64 via
fe80::250:baff:fef2:a4f4, Vlan1
The static router in FIB table, of which the destination
network segment is 2002::/64, via means passing
fe80::250:baff:fef2:a4f4 is the next hop, VLAN1 is the exit
interface name, 1024 is router weight.