60fps Full HD IR Bullet IP Camera
Video Profile
User can only choose either 1080P or 1080P WDR mode.
Text Overlay Setting
There are some important information that can be embedded into
image, including date, time, and/or text.
3.8.2 Overlay Image
User can upload bitmap file to the camera and overlay the picture on streaming video and set
its attributes.
Upload Own Image
There are two options: “Image Overlay Setting” or “User Defined
Image Overlay
Check this item to enable image overlay. Otherwise, the uploaded
bitmap will not be overlaid on video.
Set position of image on the video.
Information of the uploaded bitmap file.
Size information of the uploaded bitmap file.
Chroma Key
(Background Color)
Define the Chroma key of the uploaded bitmap file. Then user can
set transparency of the bitmap.
Lower value will lower transparency. Value 0 means opacity.
3.8.3 Video Profile
User can modify the detailed parameter for each video profile on this page.