11 Appendix
Installation manual PMCprimo Drive2
Configuration IP address
To establish a connection to a PMCprimo Drive2, an IP address must configured for the control.
This is done with the “
“ command (see PMCprimo programming manual).
1.1: CD
Actual configuration:
Operate Mode: HOST+NODE
Actual IP address
Actual Netmask
Fieldbus Address 0
Fieldbus In/Out length 50 words
Fieldbus In/Out offset 0
RS-232 Software-Handshake Xon/Xoff
RS-422 point to point
RS422 used for Modbus
CAN baudrate: 500 KBit
Startup delay 0s
Display mode channel state
0: Exit menu
1: Change operating mode
2: Delete application data
3: Change CANbus configuration
4: Change Ethernet
5: Change in/out length for Fieldbus
6: Change offset for Fieldbus
11: Change Fieldbus address
12: Change number of channels
13: Change time and date
14: Change RS-232 configuration
15: Change RS-422 configuration
16: Change startup delay
17: Change display mode
18: Change usage RS422 for PLC
Choice [Return; ESC exits menu]: 4
New IP address ( ?
New Netmask ( ?
0: Exit menu
1: Change operating mode
2: Delete application data
3: Change CANbus configuration
4: Change Ethernet
5: Change in/out length for Fieldbus
6: Change offset for Fieldbus
11: Change Fieldbus address
12: Change number of channels
13: Change time and date
14: Change RS-232 configuration
15: Change RS-422 configuration
16: Change startup delay
17: Change display mode
18: Change usage RS422 for PLC
Choice [Return; ESC exits menu]: 0
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