5 Installation
Version: 1.1.1
V-551 Linear Stage
Mounting from below with
four M6x10 screws
If necessary for mounting
the upper stage, the XY
system can be tilted
temporarily by 180° so that
it is vertical. The upper
stage is then at the bottom,
and the bottom sides of the
stage and the adapter are
facing up.
Figure 11: Mounting the V-551.7D from below with four M6x10
screws; XY system tilted by 180° so that it is vertical
You have read and understood the general notes on installation (p. 15).
You have read and understood the general notes on setting up a multi-axis system
(p. 21).
The used stages are disconnected from the controller.
You have accounted for the space required to route cables without bending and
according to regulations.
Tools and accessories
V-551.AP1 adapter, available as optional accessory (p. 10)
Screws in the scope of delivery of the adapter:
4 M4x10 screws
Depending on the option selected for mounting the V-551.7D onto the adapter:
4 M6x30 or 4 M6x10 screws
When the lower stage has not been mounted onto a surface yet: 4 suitable screws; see
"Mounting the V-551 on a Surface" (p. 17)
When you tilt the XY system vertically by 180°: Safety shoes