Differential Mode
Pulses produced = New pulse count
In differential mode, the number of pulses produced is equal to each new value written to
the pulse output register.
For example, if a value of 10 was written to the pulse output register, 10 pulses would be
produced. If a new value of 5 were written, 5 more pulses would be produced.
To initialize absolute or differential counts, refer to the address map to determine which
registers are used to control the operation mode. Absolute mode is initialized by writing 0 to
both control registers: differential mode is specified by writing 1 to the LSW and 0 to the
Clearing A Counter Register
To clear a counter register when using Modbus RTU protocol, use function code 16
(multiple register write) and write a value of 0 (LSW), -32768 (MSW) to the pulse output
When counter mode is selected, if the number of counts to be delivered is not complete
before a new pulse count is written to the register, the new counts are added to the existing
(For OPC Servers)
If using an OPC server, it may not write the clear register values with a single instruction.
Use differential mode if the OPC server commands cannot clear the counter. There is no
need to clear counters in differential mode.
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