attempt to link to the radio ID entered under “Alternate Fixed Master ID 2” field. Either
of the alternate masters can be disabled by clearing the check box next to the ID field.
This setting applies to slaves and repeaters only. Note that the antennas must be
selected such that all possible paths to repeaters are within the antenna’s beam width.
Before clicking a different item in the left navigation column, click the “Submit” button to
transfer the changes from the browser tool to the radio. An additional message appears
(see Figure 4-11) prompting to either click the “Apply Radio Changes” button or reboot the
unit (radio). If the button is clicked, the radio re-starts the firmware and additional
configurations can be made using the options in the left navigation column. This requires
approximately 5 seconds. If the radio is rebooted, the reboot process requires
approximately 2 minutes.
Figure 4-11
“Apply Radio Changes” button
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