6-2 Meter Command Class
The Switch will report its (1) instant Power Consumption (Watt) or (2) accumulated
power consumption(KWH) or (3)
AC load Voltage (V) or (4)
AC load current (
) (5)
load power factor (PF) to Z-Wave Controller after receive the Meter Get Command
from Z-Wave Controller.
When the power consumption of load vary over 5%, it will send Meter report to the
nodes of Group as well
6-2.1 Instant Power Consumption (Watt) of Switch
When receiving Meter Get Command, it will report Meter Report Command to the
node asked.
Meter Get Command:
[Command Class Meter, Meter Get, Scale =0x02(W)]
Meter Report Command:
[Command Class Meter
Meter Report
Rate Type = 0x01
Meter Type =
Precision = 1
Scale = 0x02
Size = 4
Meter Value(W) ]
Meter Value 1 = 0x00 (W)
Meter Value 2 = 0x00 (W)
Meter Value 3 = 0x03 (W)
Meter Value 4 = 0xEA (W)
Meter(W) = Meter Value 3 *256 + Meter Value 4 = 100.2W
6-2.2 Accumulated Power Consumption (KW/h)
When receiving Meter Get Command, it will report Meter Report Command to
the node asked.
Meter Get Command:
[Command Class Meter, Meter Get, Scale = 0x00 (KW/h)]
Meter Report Command:
[Command Class Meter
Meter Report
Rate Type = 0x01
Meter Type
Precision = 2
Scale = 0x00
Size = 4
Meter Value (KWh)]
Scale = 0x00 (KWh)
Precision = 2
Size = 4 Bytes (KW/h)
Meter Value 1 = 0x00(KWh)
Meter Value 2 = 0x01(KWh)
Meter Value 3 = 0x38(KWh)
Meter Value 4 = 0xA3(KWh)
Accumulated power consumption (KW/h) = (Meter Value 2*65536) + (Meter Value
3*256) + (Meter Value 4) = 800.35 (KW/h)
6-2.3 AC load Voltage (V)
When receiving Meter Get Command, it will report Meter Report Command to the
node asked.
Meter Get Command:
[Command Class Meter, Meter Get, Scale =0x04(V)]
Meter Report Command: