3. It is important to carry out a shutter calibration process before you control the
shutter to move. Press inclusion button over 3 seconds and release before the
6th second, the roller shutter controller will start the shutter calibration process.
The process is composed of three continue stages. The shutter move to the TOP
in first stage, and move to the BOTTOM in second stage, and move to the TOP
again in third stage. Then PAN08 will know the total range of UP and DOWN.
4. During the shutter calibration process, any emergencies happen you can press
and release the include button to stop the process
5. If user found the direction is reverse, this may cause by the wrong connection of
NC and NO to the motor, please change NC and NO connection and execute
calibration process again.
6. For safe issue, please select the motor which can stop by itself when go to
bottom end or top end.
7. To manually switch up and down of the shutter, simply press the external switch
S1 or S2. The detail is described in 7-5.
8. PAN08 built in meter function and can read the Watt, KWh, V(Voltage),
I(Current), PF(Power Factor) of the load by using Z-Wave command class, user
can set a threshold current to get the warning caused by abnormal operation
9. PAN08 have overload protection function, and can help to prevent short circuit
caused by load.
1. Basic Command Class
The PAN08 will respond to BASIC and BINARY commands that are part of the
Z-Wave system.
When PAN08 receive Basic Get Command, it will send Basic Report Command
to report the position of the shutter. When the report value is 0x00, that mean the
shutter is at the Bottom, if the report value is 0x63 or 0xFF that mean the shutter
is at the Top, any other value between 0x01~0x62 imply Shutter at the position
between top and bottom.
Basic Get Command:
[Command Class Basic, Basic Get]
Basic Report Command
[Command Class Basic, Basic Report, Value = 0x00 (BOTTOM)]
[Command Class Basic, Basic Report, Value = 0x01~0x62 (Between BOT-
TOM and TOP)]
[Command Class Basic, Basic Report, Value = 0x63/0xFF (TOP)]