70Xi Cold Flow Properties Laboratory Analyzer
User Guide
A p p e n d i x C .
F A Q : C a l i b r a t i o n , R e c e r t i f i c a t i o n
a n d P r e v e n t i v e M a i n t e n a n c e
What is Calibration?
Calibration is the act of comparing a test instrument’s performance to a known standard. For Phase
Technology analyzers, a set of ASTM standard reference samples are used in the calibration process
because of their widely tested and known precision. For individual labs, intracompany QA crosscheck
samples may be included in calibration.
What is a Calibration Certificate?
A calibration certificate is documented proof that your Phase Technology analyzer is measuring pour, cloud
or freeze point according to the manufacturer’s specifications. The certificate specifies the allowable
deviation from the average measurement over a range of standard results.
Every new Phase Technology analyzer is shipped with a Certificate of Calibration which details the specific
customer, serial number, test methods and precision (repeatability and reproducibility), date of
calibration, and date for next recertification.
Why is having a Calibration Certificate important?
A calibration certificate is proof of traceability. Traceability is the unbroken chain of comparisons between
a test instrument and defined international standards, all having stated uncertainties.
Phase Technology analyzers are calibrated during the manufacturing process and are traceable to ASTM
standards. ASTM standards are well recognized and have been quantified in accepted round robin tests.
What are the benefits of maintaining current, calibrated equipment?
Maintaining an up-to-date calibration certificate for your Phase Technology analyzer provides necessary
documentation that gives you:
• proof of calibration for quality audits
• traceability to respected ASTM standards
• documentation to satisfy your ISO-9000 or N.I.S.T. laboratory accreditation requirements
• verification and assurance that your analyzer meets required measurement specifications
How often does my analyzer’s calibration need to be certified?
Phase Technology calibration certificates are valid for one year. They should be renewed by Phase
Technology on an annual basis.
What is Phase Technology’s recommendation for analyzer preventive maintenance?
To keep your analyzer running at peak performance, Phase Technology recommends a regularly scheduled
preventive maintenance and operation inspection performed by one of our technicians.
Regularly scheduled preventive maintenance is a proactive, preventive way for you to safeguard against
unexpected down-time and associated costs while ensuring optimum instrument performance and
maximizing your lab and production up-time.