Mixing pump RITMO L Eco Overview - Operation
Table of Contents
12 April 2019 13:43:00
43.3 Faults ................................................... 46
43.4 Faults ................................................... 47
43.5 Safety ................................................... 47
43.6 Table of faults ...................................... 48
43.7 Table of faults ...................................... 49
44 Solenoid valve does not open ....... 50
44.1 Remove connection cable ................... 50
44.2 Check fuse in frequency converter ...... 51
45 Transport is at a standstill /
Blockage ........................................ 51
45.1 Removal of clogging in hoses / Signs
of blockages....................................... 51
45.2 Causes of blockages: .......................... 51
45.3 Earlier damage to the mortar hose ...... 52
46 Removal of clogging in hoses ....... 52
46.1 Let the pump motor run backwards ..... 52
46.2 Blockage cannot be cleared ................ 53
46.3 Switch machine back on after
blockage has been cleared ................ 54
47 End of work / Cleaning ................... 54
47.1 Disconnecting energy supplies ............ 54
47.2 Check the mortar pressure .................. 55
47.3 Cleaning the RITMO ............................ 55
47.4 Clean mortar hose ............................... 56
47.5 Remove the water hose ....................... 56
47.6 Cleaning the mixing tube ..................... 57
47.7 Insert the mixing tube cleaner .............. 57
47.8 Clean the material container ................ 57
47.9 Cleaning the mixing tube ..................... 58
47.10 Close the protection grille with motor 58
48 Switching off RITMO L Eco ............ 58
49 Changing the pump / Cleaning the
pump .............................................. 59
49.1 Lay the machine on its back ................. 59
50 Measures in case of risk of frost ... 60
51 Maintenance .................................... 60
51.1 Safety ................................................... 60
51.2 Remove connection cable .................... 61
51.3 Environmental protection...................... 62
51.4 Maintenance plan ................................. 62
52 Maintenance work ........................... 62
52.1 Water inlet filter .................................... 62
52.2 Water inlet filter .................................... 63
52.3 Pressure reducing valve ....................... 63
52.4 Check pressure switch ......................... 63
52.5 Pressure switch water .......................... 63
52.6 Pressure switch of compressor ............ 63
52.7 Air compressor slider check / air filter
cleaning .............................................. 64
52.8 Actions after completed maintenance .. 65
53 Disassembly .................................... 66
53.1 Safety ................................................... 66
53.2 Disassembly ......................................... 67
54 Disposal ........................................... 67
55 Index ................................................ 69