Mixing pump RITMO L Eco Overview - Operation
Table of Contents
12 April 2019 13:43:00
23 Material: ........................................... 26
23.1 Flowability / Flow characteristic
RITMO L Eco ..................................... 26
24 Mortar pressure gauge ................... 26
25 Safety rules ...................................... 26
26 Transport, packing and storage .... 27
26.1 Safety instructions for transport ........... 27
26.2 Tighten the nuts before transport ......... 28
26.3 Transport inspection............................. 28
26.4 Transport in individual parts ................. 28
26.5 Transport with passenger car .............. 29
26.6 Transport of already running machine . 29
27 Packaging ........................................ 29
28 Operation ......................................... 30
28.1 Safety ................................................... 30
29 Preparing the machine ................... 31
29.1 Open the protection grille ..................... 31
29.2 Connecting the power supply 230 V .... 32
29.3 Motor connection cable of pump
motor .................................................. 32
29.4 Connecting the water supply ................ 32
29.5 Connection of water from water tank ... 33
30 Switching on RITMO L Eco ............ 33
30.1 Activating RITMO L Eco ....................... 33
30.2 Connect water draining cocks .............. 34
30.3 Switching on RITMO L Eco .................. 34
30.4 Pre-setting the water flow rate ............. 34
30.5 Switching off RITMO L Eco .................. 35
30.6 Soaking of the mixing section .............. 35
30.7 Detach motor connection cable of the
gear motor .......................................... 35
30.8 Open the protection grille ..................... 36
30.9 Close the protection grille with motor ... 36
31 Mortar pressure gauge ................... 36
32 Hazardous dusts ............................. 37
33 Feeding dry material to the
machine .......................................... 37
34 Monitoring the machine .................. 37
35 Putting the machine into
operation ........................................ 38
35.1 Check consistency of mortar ............... 38
35.2 Switching onRITMO L Eco with
material .............................................. 38
36 Mortar hoses .................................... 38
36.1 Prepare mortar hoses .......................... 38
36.2 Connect mortar hose ........................... 39
37 Compressed air supply .................. 39
37.1 Connect the air hose............................ 39
37.2 Detach the spraying gun ...................... 40
37.3 Switch on air compressor .................... 40
38 Apply mortar .................................... 40
38.1 Open the air tap at the spraying gun ... 41
38.2 Interruption of work .............................. 41
38.3 In case of longer interruption of
work/break ......................................... 42
39 Process pasty material ................... 42
39.1 Recommended accessories for pasty
material .............................................. 42
39.2 Process pasty material ........................ 43
40 Stopping in case of an emergency
RITMO L Eco .................................. 43
40.1 Stop function ........................................ 43
41 Measures to be taken in case of
water outage ................................... 44
42 Action in case of power failure ...... 44
42.1 Turn the main switch to position “0”..... 44
42.2 Relieve mortar pressure ...................... 45
42.3 Restarting after power failure .............. 45
43 Work on troubleshooting ................ 46
43.1 Reaction in the event of faults ............. 46
43.2 Fault display of frequency converter .... 46