D305020D (220612)
The actions described below do not in any case replace proper training.
Horizontal movement
Verify that the hook is well-anchored.
Tension the system with your body weight.
Squeeze the descender’s cam with the left hand to allow the rope to slide. Hold the
braking side of the rope with your right hand.
Always keep your body weight on the rope. Do not allow any slack between the
descender and the anchor.
Vertical descent
Verify that the hook is well-anchored.
Always keep your body weight on the rope.
WARNING DANGER, when transitioning from horizontal to vertical (clearing
obstacles), the descender can be jammed on an edge (see drawing). The descent
can be interrupted. You must have learned the proper movements during your
Gradually pull on the handle with the left hand. Always hold the braking side of
the rope with your right hand. The handle can assist in braking, but the rate of
descent is controlled by varying the grip of the brake hand on the braking side of
the rope.
You must always control your descent speed: 2 m/s maximum.
WARNING, if you release the handle, continue to keep a firm grip on the braking
side of the rope.
- Any jamming of the rope in the descender (knots, rope jammed behind the
cam, tangled rope), will stop your evacuation.
- In a descent that is too fast, a sudden stop on a knot or the sewn termination
can result in the system breaking, unhooking of the hook, or a serious injury.
Detaching from the system
When your descent is finished, verify that you have reached safety and detach the
connector from your harness.