1. A fejtámla állítása
Hét állítható pozíciója van, húzza felfelé
a fejtámla állító gombját, mozgassa
a fejtámlát a vállpánt magasságára,
és győződjön meg róla, hogy
megfelelően be van kapcsolva,
ha a fejtámaszt lefelé csúsztatja.
2. A pozíciók változtatása
Az ülés többféle helyzetbe állítható.
A fekvő pozícióba változtathatja, amíg
a gyermeket behelyezti az autósülésbe.
A fekvő pozíció megváltoztatása
a gyermek számára a legkényelmesebb
alvást biztosítja. A 0-6 hónapos, fiatalabb
gyermekeknél használja a autósülést
a fekvő helyzetben szűkítő betéttel,
gyermeke biztonságának érdekében,
hogy alvás közben támogassa a gerincét.
A pozíciók megváltoztatásához tartsa
benyomva az fektető gombot és nyomja
meg az ülést a kívánt helyzetbe.
3. Forgató funkció
A 360°-os szög elfordulás, megkönnyíti
a gyermeke ki vagy bejutását
a gyermekülésbe.
Az ülés forgatható a forgatógomb
lenyomásával és a fordítsa
az autósülést a menetiránynek
Minden utazás előtt:
győződjön meg arról, hogy
a gyermekülés teljesen be van kapcsolva,
ellenőrizze mindkét irányba forgatással,
hogy nem mozdul el.
Ne vezessen, kivéve, ha az autóülés elöre
vagy helyes irányába nem mutat.
1. Headrest adjust
2. To change the posi�ons grasp
There are seven adjustable headrest position, pull the
headrest adjust button upwards, move the headrest to the
correct shoulder strap height and check that it is properly
engaged by lightly sliding the head rest downwards.
3.1 Swiveling Func�on
Forward facing from 9-18kg
DO NOT use the child seat forward facing when your child is below 9 kg.
The seat can be moved into multiple different positions.
You can change the recline position while the child is installed in the car seat.
Changing recline position gives your child the most comfort for sleeping.
For younger children from 0-6 months, use the seat in its most recline
position with the infant insert to ensure your child s spine is supported
whilst sleeping.
To change the positions grasp the recline button and push the seat into
the desired position.
The 360º seat rotation which makes it easier to
get your child into or out of the child seat.
The seat can rotate by pressing the rotation
button and turn the seat into the direction
of travel
If you want to use the child seat in group 1 (9-18kg), press the rota�on
bu�on and turn the seat in the direc�on of travel.
Before every journey: make sure that the rotation part of
the child seat is fully engaged by trying to turn the seat
around in both directions.
Do not drive unless car seat is front or real facing direction.
1. Headrest adjust
2. To change the posi�ons grasp
There are seven adjustable headrest position, pull the
headrest adjust button upwards, move the headrest to the
correct shoulder strap height and check that it is properly
engaged by lightly sliding the head rest downwards.
3.1 Swiveling Func�on
Forward facing from 9-18kg
DO NOT use the child seat forward facing when your child is below 9 kg.
The seat can be moved into multiple different positions.
You can change the recline position while the child is installed in the car seat.
Changing recline position gives your child the most comfort for sleeping.
For younger children from 0-6 months, use the seat in its most recline
position with the infant insert to ensure your child s spine is supported
whilst sleeping.
To change the positions grasp the recline button and push the seat into
the desired position.
The 360º seat rotation which makes it easier to
get your child into or out of the child seat.
The seat can rotate by pressing the rotation
button and turn the seat into the direction
of travel
If you want to use the child seat in group 1 (9-18kg), press the rota�on
bu�on and turn the seat in the direc�on of travel.
Before every journey: make sure that the rotation part of
the child seat is fully engaged by trying to turn the seat
around in both directions.
Do not drive unless car seat is front or real facing direction.
1. Headrest adjust
2. To change the posi�ons grasp
There are seven adjustable headrest position, pull the
headrest adjust button upwards, move the headrest to the
correct shoulder strap height and check that it is properly
engaged by lightly sliding the head rest downwards.
3.1 Swiveling Func�on
Forward facing from 9-18kg
DO NOT use the child seat forward facing when your child is below 9 kg.
The seat can be moved into multiple different positions.
You can change the recline position while the child is installed in the car seat.
Changing recline position gives your child the most comfort for sleeping.
For younger children from 0-6 months, use the seat in its most recline
position with the infant insert to ensure your child s spine is supported
whilst sleeping.
To change the positions grasp the recline button and push the seat into
the desired position.
The 360º seat rotation which makes it easier to
get your child into or out of the child seat.
The seat can rotate by pressing the rotation
button and turn the seat into the direction
of travel
If you want to use the child seat in group 1 (9-18kg), press the rota�on
bu�on and turn the seat in the direc�on of travel.
Before every journey: make sure that the rotation part of
the child seat is fully engaged by trying to turn the seat
around in both directions.
Do not drive unless car seat is front or real facing direction.