4. Nastavení autosedačky ve směru jízdy
(9–18 kg)
Pokud chcete dětskou autosedačku
používat ve skupině I (9–18 kg),
nastavte tento směr pomocí stlačení
otočného ovládacího tlačítka a otočte
sedadlo ve směru jízdy.
Nepoužívejte dětskou
sedačku ve směru jízdy, pokud vaše
dítě váží méně než 9 kg.
5. Nastavení autosedačky proti směru
jízdy (0–18 kg)
Pokud chcete dětskou sedačku
používat ve skupině 0+ (0–18 kg),
zmáčkněte otočné ovládací tlačítko
a otočte sedačku proti směru jízdy.
V této poloze nastvete autosedačku
do nejnižší polohy vhodné pro spánek
malého dítěte.
Nepoužívejte dětskou
sedačku na sedadle spolujezdce pokud
není možné vypnout airbag.
6. Nastavení popruhů autosedačky
Zmáčkněte tlačítko povolení pásů
a zatáhněte směrem k sobě
za popruhy, tím je uvolníte
(viz. obrázek).
Vložte ramenní popruhy do úchytů
na popruhy na bocích autosedačky
a dejte dítě dovnitř. Otevřete přesku
a navlékněte dítěti ramenní popruhy.
Spony na popruzích spojte a zapojte
je do středové spony, tak aby vydali
zvuk zaklapnutí. Popruh musí být
přiměřeně těsný. Měl by být těsný
na tolik aby jistil dítě, ale ne tolik, aby
způsoboval dítěti nepříjemné pnutí.
Dbejte na to, aby vedení popruhů
bylo ve správné výšce. Popruhy by
neměly být vedeny ani příliš vysoko
ani nízko. Nastavte výšku pro vaše
dítě podle zeleného vzoru na obrázku.
1. Headrest adjust
2. To change the posi�ons grasp
There are seven adjustable headrest position, pull the
headrest adjust button upwards, move the headrest to the
correct shoulder strap height and check that it is properly
engaged by lightly sliding the head rest downwards.
3.1 Swiveling Func�on
Forward facing from 9-18kg
DO NOT use the child seat forward facing when your child is below 9 kg.
The seat can be moved into multiple different positions.
You can change the recline position while the child is installed in the car seat.
Changing recline position gives your child the most comfort for sleeping.
For younger children from 0-6 months, use the seat in its most recline
position with the infant insert to ensure your child s spine is supported
whilst sleeping.
To change the positions grasp the recline button and push the seat into
the desired position.
The 360º seat rotation which makes it easier to
get your child into or out of the child seat.
The seat can rotate by pressing the rotation
button and turn the seat into the direction
of travel
If you want to use the child seat in group 1 (9-18kg), press the rota�on
bu�on and turn the seat in the direc�on of travel.
Before every journey: make sure that the rotation part of
the child seat is fully engaged by trying to turn the seat
around in both directions.
Do not drive unless car seat is front or real facing direction.
3. Loosening the harness system
Pull the shoulder strap up as shown in picture while pressing the button of the
central adjuster.
Open the harness buckle position the shoulder straps
at the sides of the seat to keep the harness open while
position the child.
3.3 Rearward facing from 0-18 kg
If you want to use the child seat in group 0+ (0-18kg),Press the rota�on
bu�on and turn the seat against the direc�on of travel, now the child set
is in the mode for Group 0+ (0-18kg) rearward facing.Grasp the recline
bu�on and press the child seat into the most recline posi�on .
Do not use on passenger seats with a front airbag
Harness can be held open with supports on either side
of seat
3. Loosening the harness system
Pull the shoulder strap up as shown in picture while pressing the button of the
central adjuster.
Open the harness buckle position the shoulder straps
at the sides of the seat to keep the harness open while
position the child.
3.3 Rearward facing from 0-18 kg
If you want to use the child seat in group 0+ (0-18kg),Press the rota�on
bu�on and turn the seat against the direc�on of travel, now the child set
is in the mode for Group 0+ (0-18kg) rearward facing.Grasp the recline
bu�on and press the child seat into the most recline posi�on .
Do not use on passenger seats with a front airbag
Harness can be held open with supports on either side
of seat
3. Loosening the harness system
Pull the shoulder strap up as shown in picture while pressing the button of the
central adjuster.
Open the harness buckle position the shoulder straps
at the sides of the seat to keep the harness open while
position the child.
3.3 Rearward facing from 0-18 kg
If you want to use the child seat in group 0+ (0-18kg),Press the rota�on
bu�on and turn the seat against the direc�on of travel, now the child set
is in the mode for Group 0+ (0-18kg) rearward facing.Grasp the recline
bu�on and press the child seat into the most recline posi�on .
Do not use on passenger seats with a front airbag
Harness can be held open with supports on either side
of seat
3. Loosening the harness system
Pull the shoulder strap up as shown in picture while pressing the button of the
central adjuster.
Open the harness buckle position the shoulder straps
at the sides of the seat to keep the harness open while
position the child.
3.3 Rearward facing from 0-18 kg
If you want to use the child seat in group 0+ (0-18kg),Press the rota�on
bu�on and turn the seat against the direc�on of travel, now the child set
is in the mode for Group 0+ (0-18kg) rearward facing.Grasp the recline
bu�on and press the child seat into the most recline posi�on .
Do not use on passenger seats with a front airbag
Harness can be held open with supports on either side
of seat
Pull on the adjustment strap until the harness lies falt and is close against your
child’s body.
Separate the harness and have your child sit down in the
child seat.
Guide the two buckle latches together and engage them
before putting them into the harness buckle, this should
make a clicking sound. The harness must be reasonably
It should restrain but not make the child uncomfortable.
4. Cuddleme system
The cuddleme baby insert gives your baby the necessary support while he or
she is small.
The cuddleme baby insert with foam part is unsuitable for children
over 13 kg. In this case, you must remove the cuddleme baby insert
or only the foam part from the child seat.
Tip! The cuddleme baby insert can also be used without foam part for children
over 13 kg.
Remove the foam part from the net pocket on the back of the cuddleme baby insert.
Please ensuring that any lap strap is worn low
down, so that the pelvis is firmly engaged.
Please note a correctly adjust headrest ensures optimal protection
for your child in the safety seat; the headrest must be adjusted so that the
shoulder straps are at the same level as your child s shoulders or slightly above.
The shoulder straps must run at shoulder height or a little above the .height of the
child s shoulders.
The straps shoud be correctly adjusted and ensure they are not twisted.
• The child safety seat must be used with cuddleme baby insert until your baby
has reached a body weight of 13 kg.
• The cuddleme baby insert must never be used without its foam part for babies
weighing under 5.5 kg.
• Only use the cuddleme baby insert when the shoulder strap is in the lowest
position (see 3.1).
Pull on the adjustment strap until the harness lies falt and is close against your
child’s body.
Separate the harness and have your child sit down in the
child seat.
Guide the two buckle latches together and engage them
before putting them into the harness buckle, this should
make a clicking sound. The harness must be reasonably
It should restrain but not make the child uncomfortable.
4. Cuddleme system
The cuddleme baby insert gives your baby the necessary support while he or
she is small.
The cuddleme baby insert with foam part is unsuitable for children
over 13 kg. In this case, you must remove the cuddleme baby insert
or only the foam part from the child seat.
Tip! The cuddleme baby insert can also be used without foam part for children
over 13 kg.
Remove the foam part from the net pocket on the back of the cuddleme baby insert.
Please ensuring that any lap strap is worn low
down, so that the pelvis is firmly engaged.
Please note a correctly adjust headrest ensures optimal protection
for your child in the safety seat; the headrest must be adjusted so that the
shoulder straps are at the same level as your child s shoulders or slightly above.
The shoulder straps must run at shoulder height or a little above the .height of the
child s shoulders.
The straps shoud be correctly adjusted and ensure they are not twisted.
• The child safety seat must be used with cuddleme baby insert until your baby
has reached a body weight of 13 kg.
• The cuddleme baby insert must never be used without its foam part for babies
weighing under 5.5 kg.
• Only use the cuddleme baby insert when the shoulder strap is in the lowest
position (see 3.1).