Ensure that the fuel has got appropriate cold flow
properties (cloud point and CFPP) for the minimum
statistical ambient temperature the engine is
expected to see in the operation. The Fuel must also
meet lubricity requirements as specified in the
lubricity section of this “Operation and Maintenance
Manual” Fluid Recommendations
Fuel for Cold-Weather Operation
The European standard “EN590” contains climate
dependant requirements and a range of options. The
options can be applied differently in each country.
There are five classes that are given to arctic
climates and severe winter climates. 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Fuel that complies with “EN590” CLASS 4 can be
used at temperatures as low as −44 °C (−47.2 °F).
Refer to “EN590” for a detailed discretion of the
physical properties of the fuel.
The diesel fuel “ASTM D975 1-D” used in the United
States of America may be used in very cold
temperatures that are below −18 °C (−0.4 °F).
Aftermarket Fuel Additives
Perkins does not warrant the quality or performance
of non-Perkins fluids and filters.
When auxiliary devices, accessories, or consum-
ables (filters, additives) which are made by other
manufacturers are used on Perkins products, the
Perkins warranty is not affected simply because of
such use.
However, failures that result from the installation
or use of other manufacturers devices, accesso-
ries, or consumables are NOT Perkins defects.
Therefore, the defects are NOT covered under the
Perkins warranty.
Supplemental diesel fuel additives are not generally
recommended. This recommendation is due to
potential damage to the fuel system or the engine.
Your fuel supplier or the fuel manufacturer will add
the appropriate supplemental diesel fuel additives.
Perkins recognizes the fact that additives may be
required in some special circumstances.
Some anti-corrosion additives can lead to
injector fouling, this fouling can cause the injector to
operate incorrectly.
Contact your fuel supplier for those circumstances
when fuel additives are required. Your fuel supplier
can recommend the appropriate fuel additive and the
correct level of treatment.
For the best results, your fuel supplier should
treat the fuel when additives are required. The
treated fuel must meet the requirements that are
stated in table 10 .
Perkins Diesel Fuel System Cleaner
Fuel Cleaner is the only fuel
cleaner that is recommended by Perkins.
If biodiesel or biodiesel blends of fuel are to be used,
Perkins require the use of Perkins fuel cleaner. The
use of the fuel is to remove deposits within the fuel
system that is created with the use of biodiesel. For
more information on the use of biodiesel and
biodiesel blends refer to “Recommendation for
Perkins fuel cleaner will remove deposits that can
form in the fuel system with the use of biodiesel and
biodiesel blends. These deposits can create a loss of
power and engine performance.
Once the fuel cleaner has been added to the fuel, the
deposits within the fuel system are removed after 30
hours of engine operation. For maximum results,
continue to use the fuel cleaner for up to 80 hours.
Perkins fuel cleaner can be used on an on-going
basis with no adverse impact on engine or fuel
system durability.
Details instruction on the rate of which the fuel
cleaner must be use are on the container.
Perkins fuel cleaner is compatible with existing
and U.S. EPA Tier 4 nonroad certified diesel engine
emission control catalysts and particulate filters.
Perkins fuel system cleaner contains less than 15
ppm of sulfur and is acceptable for use with ULSD
Fuel Cleaner
Perkins recommends the
Fuel Cleaner for
the diesel fuel must be used at 3000 hours of engine
operation. Using
Fuel Cleaner will remove
built up deposits and maintain engine power output.