Operation and communication
Communication Monitoring
To monitor bus communication, you can configure the following process in the reader.
Node guarding
If you have configured the reader for node guarding, the NMT master sends guard
telegrams that have to be answered by the reader with the current CANopen status. The
gap between the guard telegrams is defined in object 0x100C. See chapter 5.1.3.
If the reader does not send a response, a "Node Guard Event" is set. Node guarding is
deactivated when you set the "Guard Time" in object 0x100C to 0.
If you have configured the reader for lifeguarding, the reader sends lifeguard telegrams
that have to be answered by the NMT master. The gap between a lifeguard telegram and
the response from the NMT master is defined in object 0x100D. See chapter 5.1.3.
If the guard telegram remains unanswered for the defined time, the reader sets a
"Lifeguarding Event" and sends an EMCY telegram. Lifeguarding is deactivated when you
set the "Guard Time" in object 0x100C or the "Life Time Factor" in object 0x100D to 0.
The reader can be configured both as emitter and receiver of a heartbeat telegram. If the
reader is configured for sending a heartbeat telegram, this telegram will be monitored by
the NMT master or a different bus node. If the reader is configured for receiving a
heartbeat telegram, the reader monitors a different bus node or the NMT master.
Configure heartbeat telegram transmission in object 0x1017. Specify the gap between the
heartbeat telegrams via the "Heartbeat Producer Time". The heartbeat is deactivated
when the "Heartbeat Producer Time" is set to 0.
Configure heartbeat telegram receipt in object 0x1016. Specify the gap between the
heartbeat telegrams via the "Heartbeat Consumer Time". The heartbeat is deactivated
when the "Heartbeat Consumer Time" is set to 0.
Failsafe is the behavior of the reader when errors occur. The failsafe behavior is controlled via a
The behavior of the reader in the event of a CANopen error can be controlled via object 0x1029
"Behavior in the event of an error". For a detailed description, see chapter 5.1.3.
Reader sends data when "Operational" state is
set and in the event of changes.
Reader sends data when "Operational" state is
set and in the event of changes.
"Transmission Type"