Model 7600 Advanced Digital Filtering/Display Lock
This version 7600 is designed an advanced digital filtering while maintaining the normal
weighing and counting features of the 7600. This software is intended for any scale application
that has environmental instability factors such as: Animal weighing, ship board or on-board
vehicle weighing, in heavy air currents or in normal applications where the weighing or counting
resolution are at the upper end of load cell performance.
Operating Instructions:
All normal 7600 functions are available on this special configuration.
Calibration Instructions:
Two Calibration Steps are added on this software:
1. STT 28 Enter the STABLE threshold. The default setting is 1 displayed graduation. It
may be set to a minimum of .25 or a maximum of 2 displayed graduations. Caution:
Setting this value above 1 displayed graduation will negatively effect counting
2. DL 28 Display lock settings. This is to set up the display lock after a specified number of
stable readings. Any number from 0 to 255 may be entered for this calibration step.
3. AVG 28 Advanced Digital Filtering level. The number of weight readings averaged to
produce the final weight displayed is adjustable. Enter the number of weights to average
from 4 to 64. The default is 16. Increasing the number of weights to average will provide
a more stable reading in adverse “Stability” conditions and allow the performance of the
scale to be stretched in normal conditions. Increasing this number may also increase the
time required for the scale to indicate “STABLE”
4. FIL 41 Normal filter setting. The default value is 3, to increase scale performance in
adverse “Stability” conditions set this filter rate to 9.
NOTE: To disable display lock set calibration step 28A to 0. For maximum filtering set
calibration step 28B to 64 and FIL 41 to 9. All other scale functions are available and
operate normally. For more information on other 7600 scale functions please refer to the
7600 Operators Manual.