Model 7600 UPS Worldship
This version 7600 is designed to interface with UPS Worldship Software while maintaining the
normal weighing and counting features of the 7600.
Operating Instructions:
1. Calibrate as a standard 7600
2. The communication protocols are fixed for use with UPS Worldship
3. Connect with a straight through DB-9 cable on pins 2, 3, 5 and 8
4. Install UPS Worldship using instructions provided with the software.
5. After installing, select TOOLS, SYSTEM PREFERENCES and select TOLEDO PS60
and COM1 (or the correct serial port on the computer). Then select TEST SCALE and
place weight on scale to verify communications are working.
6. Make sure that the ELCTRONIC SCALE ACTIVATED checkbox is selected.
NOTE: All RS-232 commands are disabled on this version. For more information on 7600
operation, please refer to the 7600 operators manual.