Cyclone Universal & Cyclone Universal FX - User Manual
Configure Cyclone Settings
Presents options that allow the user to choose to configure the Cyclone’s network settings, time/
date settings, and LCD touchscreen display settings, or to set the display to dynamic.
Configure Network Settings
Presents options that allows the user to view or edit various IP settings, toggle the IP settings
between static and dynamic, and re-name the Cyclone. Show Current IP Settings
This menu allows you to view the Cyclone’s IP address, Mask, and Gateway, and MAC address.
You may also tap these entries to edit, as long as the Cyclone is set to Static IP mode.
Dynamic vs. Static
There are two schemes for assigning IP addresses. One is the Static IP addressing mode. This
involves the user manually setting the IP address for every device on the network. In this case, it
falls to the user to ensure the IPs assigned do not conflict and are within the boundaries of the
network. The other is the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). This involves setting up a
separate server to manage the IP addresses. The server is given a list of valid IP addresses for the
network. Using a predetermined set of rules, each new device that wishes to connect to the
network is given an IP address by the server. This takes the task of managing the validity and
uniqueness of IP addresses out of the user's hands and relegates it to the server. The
Cyclone Universal
are capable of using either Static IP addressing or DHCP. Edit Static IP Settings
This menu allows you to edit the Cyclone’s IP address, Mask, and Gateway, and view the
Cyclone’s MAC address. If you are unable to edit these values, you may wish to check to be
certain that the Cyclone is not set to Dynamic IP mode.
Edit IP Numbers allows the user to set an IP number for the Cyclone. The current IP number is
displayed on the second line. Tap a number to edit and use the touchscreen keyboard to set the
new number. When you are finished, hit Done. If you change your mind and decide not to save, hit
Cancel to leave the IP number as is and return to the Main Menu.
Edit IP Mask allows the user to set an IP Mask for the Cyclone. The current IP Mask is displayed
on the second line. Use the Up/Down buttons to scroll through the characters. To select a
character, hit the Select button. When you are finished, scroll through the characters until you
reach the -
(right-arrow) character. Selecting this character will complete the process. The default
IP mask is
Edit IP Gateway allows the user to set the IP Gateway for the Cyclone. The current IP Gateway is
displayed on the second line. Use the Up/Down buttons to scroll through the characters. To select
a character, hit the Select button. When you are finished, scroll through the characters until you
reach the -
(right-arrow) character. Selecting this character will complete the process.
MAC Address
Show MAC Address displays the current MAC address for the Cyclone. Enable/Disable Dynamic IP
Allows the user to toggle the Cyclone configuration between utilizing a Static IP address or a
Dynamic IP address. The user must reset the Cyclone after changing from Static to Dynamic or
vice-versa. The reset button on the front side of the unit may be used. Edit Cyclone Name
Allows the user to edit the name of the Cyclone using the on-screen keyboard. Click “Done” to