Fuze Part # 4532 - Patent Pending
May 2007
May 2007
Fuze Part # 4532 - Patent Pending
Fuze Part # 4532 - Patent Pending
May 2007
May 2007
Fuze Part # 4532 - Patent Pending
23. DO NOT use the footplates as a platform. When getting in or out of the
wheelchair, make sure that the footplates are in the upward position.
C. Weight Training
PDG DOES NOT recommend the use of its wheelchairs as a weight training
apparatus. PDG wheelchairs have NOT been designed or tested as a seat for
any kind of weight training. If occupant uses said wheelchair as a weight
training apparatus, PDG shall NOT be liable for bodily injury and the war-
ranty is void.
D. Weight Limitation
The Fuze wheelchair has a weight limitation of 250 lbs
E. Stability and Balance
1. Anti-tippers MUST be attached at all times.
2. To assure stability and proper operation of your wheelchair, you must at
all times maintain proper balance. Your wheelchair has been designed to
remain upright and stable during normal daily activities as long as you do
not move beyond the center of gravity.
3. Virtually all activities which involve movement in the wheelchair have an
effect on the center of gravity. PDG recommends using seat/chest position-
ing straps for additional safety while involved in activities that shift your
4. DO NOT lean forward out of the wheelchair any further than the length
of the armrests. Make sure the casters are pointing in the forward posi-
tion whenever you lean forward. This can be achieved by advancing the
wheelchair and then reversing it in a straight line.
5. The PDG Fuze wheelchair should be operated by an assistant when the
wheelchair is in any tilted position.
F. Safety and Handling of Wheelchairs
Safety and handling of the wheelchair requires the close attention of the
wheelchair user as well as the assistant. This manual points out the most
common procedures and techniques involved in the safe operation and main-
tenance of the wheelchair. It is important to practice and master these safe
techniques until you are comfortable in maneuvering around the frequently
encountered architectural barriers.