PBI-Dansensor A/S
PBI-220047-F 01/2008
MAP Check 9000 - User Manual
10. Specifications
10.3. Flow system, MAP Check 9001-4
MAP Check 9001-4 comes in two versions. With a pump (as shown below) or without any
pump. When a version with a pump is used, the pump will supply the necessary gas to the
sensor. When a version without any pump is used, the gas has to be supplied to "gas in" with
a pressure as stated on the label on the back of the MAP Check. Thus, a flow of 200ml/min.
is achieved.
MAP Check 9001-4 is calibrated and designed to operate at a flow of 200ml/min.
The flow system in MAP Chek 9001-4 is constructed with diffusion tight steel pipes.
Fig. 6. MAP Check 9001-4 flow diagram
200 ml/min
Pump (not MAP Check 9001-4 PR)
Gas In
Gas Out