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A sporty parkflyer with an Old Timer flair!
Designed by: Tres Wright
Kitted by:
Park Scale Models
Assembly Instructions
General Information
The laser cutting process leaves a slight discoloration or “burn” on the laser cut edges of the parts. The builder
can if desired sand the edges lightly to remove this. If a light colored covering (like white) is used, the “burn”
marks will show through the covering if they’re not removed.
Most parts will fall easily out of the laser cut sheets. If a part does not fall out, do not force it. Use a hobby
knife to trim along the balsa “tabs” that hold the part in until the part is freed.
The ribs, formers and small misc. parts are identified with engraved numbers. Major subgroups that are
grouped on a sheet together do not have individual engraved numbers on them. It is advisable to leave the
parts in the sheets until they’re needed to make identification easier.