Programming Guide
Automatic Report Code List
System Event
Default Contact ID Report Code
Default SIA Report Code
Arming with User Code (##)
3 4A1 - Close by user
CL - Closing report
Auto arming
3 4A3 - Automatic close
CA - Automatic closing
Late to close
3 452 - Late to close
OT - Late to close
No movement
3 452 - Late to close
NA - No activity
Partial arming
1 456 - Group bypass
CG - Close area
Quick arming
3 4A8 - Quick arm
CL - Closing report
Arm with PC software
3 4A7 - Remote arm/disarm
CQ - Remote arming
Keyswitch arming
3 4A9 - Keyswitch arming
CS - Keyswitch arming
Disarm with User Code (##)
1 4A1 - Open by user
OP - Opening report
Disarm after alarm
with User Code (##)
1 4A1 - Open by user
OP - Opening report
Cancel alarm
with User Code (##)
1 4A6 - Cancel by user
OR - Disarm from alarm
Auto-arming cancellation
1 464 - Deferred open/close
CE - Closing extend
Disarm with PC software
1 4A7 - Remote arm/disarm
OQ - Remote disarming
Disarm after an alarm with PC software
1 4A7 - Remote arm/disarm
OR - Disarm from alarm
Cancel alarm with PC software
1 4A6 - Cancel by user
OR - Disarm from alarm
Cancel paramedic alarm
1 4A6 - Cancel by user
MH - Medical alarm restore
Keyswitch disarm
1 4A9 - Keyswitch disarm
OS - Keyswitch disarm
Keyswitch disarm after alarm
1 4A1 - Keyswitch disarm after alarm
OS - Keyswitch disarm after alarm
Keyswitch cancel alarm
1 4A6 - Keyswitch cancel alarm
OS - Keyswitch cancel alarm
Zone bypassed (##)
1 57A - Zone bypass
UB - Untyped zone bypass
Zone alarm (##)
1 13A - Burglary alarm
BA - Burglary alarm
Fire alarm (##)
1 11A - Fire alarm
FA - Fire alarm
Zone alarm restore (##)
3 13A - Burglary alarm restore
BH - Burglary alarm restore
Fire alarm restore (##)
3 11A - Fire alarm restore
FH - Fire alarm restore
24Hr Gas Alarm (##)
1 151 - Gas detected
GA - Gas Alarm
24Hr Heat Alarm (##)
1 153 - Loss of heat
KA - Heat Alarm
24Hr Water Alarm (##)
1 154 - Water leakage
WA - Water Alarm
24Hr Freeze Alarm (##)
1 152 - Refrigeration
ZA - Freeze Alarm
24Hr Gas Alarm Restore (##)
3 151 - Gas restore
GR - Gas Alarm Restore
24Hr Heat Alarm Restore (##)
3 153 - Heat restore
KR - Heat Alarm Restore
24Hr Water Alarm Restore (##)
3 154 - Water restore
WR - Water Alarm Restore
24Hr Freeze Alarm Restore (##)
3 152 - Freeze restore
ZR - Freeze Alarm Restore
24Hr Hold-up Alarm
1 12A - Panic Alarm
PA - Panic Alarm
24Hr Hold-up Alarm Restore
3 12A - Panic Alarm Restore
PR - Panic Restore
Panic 1 - emergency
1 12A - Panic alarm
PA - Panic alarm
Panic 2 - medical
1 1AA - Medical alarm
MA - Medical alarm
Panic 3 - fire
1 115 - Pull station
FA - Fire alarm
Recent closing
3 459 - Open/Close
CR - Recent closing
Global zone shutdown
1 575 - Group bypass
CG - Close area
Duress alarm
1 121 - Duress
HA - Hold-up alarm
Keypad lockout
1 421 - Access denied
JA - User code tamper
Zone shutdown (##)
1 57A - Zone bypass
UB - Untyped zone bypass
Zone tampered (##)
1 144 - Sensor tamper
TA - Tamper alarm
Zone tamper restore (##)
3 144 - Sensor tamper restore
TR - Tamper restoral
TLM Trouble
1 351 - Telco 1 fault
LT - Phone Line Trouble
AC failure
1 3A1 - AC loss
AT - AC trouble
Battery failure
1 3A9 - Battery test failure
YT - System battery trouble
Auxiliary supply trouble
1 3AA - System trouble
YP - Power supply trouble
Bell output current limit
1 321 - Bell 1
YA - Bell fault
Bell absent
1 321 - Bell 1
YA - Bell fault
Clock lost
1 626 - Time/date inaccurate
JT - Time changed
Fire loop trouble
1 373 - Fire trouble
FT - Fire trouble
Communication fail
1 354 - Communication fail
YC -Fail to communicate
RF jamming
1 344 - RF receiver jam detection
XQ - RF Jamming
GSM/GPRS module RF interference
1 552 - Radio transmitter disabled
YS - Communication trouble
GSM/GPRS network failure
1 552 - Radio transmitter disabled
YS - Communication trouble
GSM/GPRS supervision lost
1 552 - Radio transmitter disabled
YS - Communication trouble
GSM/GPRS fail to communicate
1 354 - Communication fails
YC - Fail to communicate
IP network failure
1 552 - Radio transmitter disabled
YS - Communication trouble
IP supervision lost
1 552 - Radio transmitter disabled
YS - Communication trouble
IP fail to communicate
1 354 - Communication fails
YC - Fail to communicate
TLM trouble restore
3 351 - Telco 1 fault restore
LR - Phone line restoral
AC failure restore
3 3A1 - AC loss restore
AR - AC restoral
Battery failure restore
3 3A9 - Battery test restore
YR - System battery restoral
Auxiliary supply trouble restore
3 3AA - System trouble restore
YQ - Power supply restored
Bell output current limit restore
3 321 - Bell 1 restore
YH - Bell restored
Bell absent restore
3 321 - Bell 1 restore
YH - Bell restored
Clock programmed
3 625 - Time/date reset
JT - Time changed
Fire loop trouble restore
3 373 - Fire trouble restore
FJ - Fire trouble restore
Fail to communicate with monitoring station
3 354 - Fail to communicate
YK - Communication fails
An armed system is or was in alarm and was disarmed by a user.
A disarmed system is or was in alarm (e.g. 24Hr. zone) and was disarmed by a user.
Содержание MG5050
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