Reference & Installation Manual
AC Failure
1 3A1 - AC loss
AT - AC Trouble
Battery Failure
1 3A9 - Battery test failure
YT - System Battery Trouble
Auxiliary supply trouble
1 3AA - System trouble
YP - Power Supply Trouble
Bell output current limit
1 321 - Bell 1
YA - Bell Fault
Bell absent
1 321 - Bell 1
YA - Bell Fault
Clock lost
1 626 - Time/Date inaccurate
JT - Time Changed
Fire loop trouble
1 373 - Fire trouble
FT - Fire Trouble
TLM trouble restore
3 351 - Telco 1 fault restore
LR - Phone Line restoral
AC Failure restore
3 3A1 - AC loss restore
AR - AC Restoral
Battery Failure restore
3 3A9 - Battery test restore
YR - System Battery Restoral
Auxiliary supply trouble restore
3 3AA - System trouble restore
YQ - Power Supply restored
Bell output current limit restore
3 321 - Bell 1 restore
YH - Bell Restored
Bell absent restore
3 321 - Bell 1 restore
YH - Bell Restored
Clock programmed
3 625 - Time/Date Reset
JT - Time Changed
Fire loop trouble restore
3 373 - Fire trouble restore
FJ - Fire Trouble Restore
Combus fault
1 333 - Expansion module failure
ET - Expansion Trouble
Module tamper
1 145 - Expansion module tamper
TA - Tamper Alarm
Module ROM_RAM_error
1 3A4 - Rom checksum bad
YF - Parameter Checksum Fail
Module TLM trouble
1 352 - Telco 2 fault
LT - Phone Line trouble
Module fail to communicate to monitoring station.
1 354 - Fail to communicate
YC - Communication Fails
Printer fault
1 336 - Local printer failure
VT - Printer Trouble
Module AC Failure
1 3A1 - AC loss
AT - AC Trouble
Module battery failure
1 3A9 - Battery test failure
YT - System Battery Trouble
Module Auxiliary supply trouble
1 3AA - System trouble
YP - Power Supply Trouble
Bus fault restore
3 333 - Expansion module failure restore
ER - Expansion Restoral
Module tamper restore
3 145 - Expansion module tamper restore
TR - Tamper Restoral
Module ROM_RAM_error restore
3 3A4 - Rom checksum bad restore
YG - Parameter Changed
Module TLM restore
3 352 - Telco 2 fault restore
LR - Phone Line Restoral
Printer fault restore
3 336 - Local printer failure restore
VR - Printer Restore
Module AC restore
3 3A1 - AC loss restore
AR - AC Restoral
Module battery restore
3 3A9 - Battery test failure restore
YR - System Battery Restoral
Module Auxiliary supply restore
3 3AA - System trouble restore
YQ - Power Supply Restored
Fail to communicate with monitoring station
1 354 - Fail to communicate
YC - Communication Fails
Module RF low battery
1 384 - RF transmitter low battery
XT - Transmitter Battery Trouble
Module RF battery restore
3 384 - RF transmitter battery restore
XR - Transmitter Battery Restoral
Module RF supervision trouble
1 381 - Loss of supervision - RF
US - Untype Zone Supervision
Module RF supervision restore
3 381 - Supervision restore - RF
UR - Untyped Zone Restoral
Cold Start
1 3A8 - System shutdown
RR - Power Up
Warm Start
1 3A5 - System reset
YW - Watchdog Reset
Test Report engaged
1 6A2 - Periodic test report
TX - Test Report
PC software communication finished
1 412 - Successful - download access
RS - Remote Program Success
Installer on site
1 627 - Program mode Entry
LB - Local Program
Installer programming finished
1 628 - Program mode Exit
LS - Local Program Success
System Event
Default Contact ID Report Code
when using sections [790] to [795]
Default SIA Report Code
when using sections [790] to [795]
Содержание MG-6130
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