HD77 Installation Guide
4.3 Registering your Customer’s System with ParadoxMyHome
ParadoxMyHome is a Paradox Domain Name System (DNS) service that enables the user/installer to remotely
access a Paradox Reporting Device (e.g. IP150 or HD77) connected to an Internet Service Provider that uses
dynamic IP addresses. A dynamic IP address is assigned automatically, and can change on a regular basis.
ParadoxMyHome keeps track of these changes and will associate it to a Site ID (e.g. John house).
If you do not already have an account at ParadoxMyHome you will need to open one. Using any Browser go to
ParadoxMyHome.com. Click on
Create Login
, and follow the directions.
4.3.1 Setting up ParadoxMyHome
Using the ParadoxMyHome service will allow you to access your system over the Internet with a dynamic IP
address. The HD77 will then poll the ParadoxMyHome server to keep the information updated. To set up the
ParadoxMyHome service:
1. Go to www.paradoxmyhome.com.
2. Click
Request Login
and provide the requested information.
4.3.2 Registering the HD77 to ParadoxMyHome
1. Start the Paradox IP Exploring Tools software and right-click the HD77.
2. Select Register to ParadoxMyHome (choose a site ID or use the one created for the IP150).
Figure 30 – IP Exploring Tool
3. Enter the requested information. The SiteID should be unique for the module.