.8822165, Rev
. 2022-04 Publ. 2022-04-1
AB reserves the right to make technical changes if required
1a. The depth of the seat upholstery
(Fig. 6)
By moving the seat extender forward or backwards you can adjust the seat depth. Loosen
the front part of the seat by pulling it backwards (the seat is attached with velcro). Adjust
the seat depth and attach it to the velcro.
1b. The tension of the seat upholstery
(Fig. 7)
The rear section of the seat upholstery can be tightened or loosened by adjusting the
Velcro strap underneath.
This allows you to vary your seat height by around 2 cm upwards or downwards..
The footplate settings
(Fig. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
The footplate is delivered mounted in ”High position, lower”
Fig. 8
(the attachment turned
Fig. 9
and the footplate mounted in the upper hole
Fig. 10
Fig. 7
Fig. 6
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Fig. 10