Votre appareil sera livré avec une avancée d’environ
70% de votre capacité maximum d’avancement.
L’avancement de la mâchoire doit se faire progressive-
ment en respectant votre tolérance pour ne pas causer
de traumatisme aux articulations.
On recommande une avancée progressive de 1 mm à
la fois.
Il est conseillé de porter la même longueur de tiges
pendant 2 à 3 semaines avant de RACCOURCIR les
En fonction de votre confort et de votre tolérance,
l’avancée de la mâchoire inférieure pourra se
poursuivre jusqu’à une diminution ou une dispari-
tion complète du ronflement, ou selon votre capacité
maximum d’avancement.
Respectez les directives de votre praticien dentaire.
Déclipser d’abord la gouttière du bas.
Placer les pouces sur les côtés de la gouttière du
bas, près des gencives, face aux canines, et soulever
Ensuite, placer les doigts sur les côtés de la gouttière
du haut, près des gencives, en tirant vers le bas.
Retirer l’appareil de la bouche, le rincer et le placer
dans le NovaDent.
Ne JAMAIS APPUYER OU TIRER sur les tiges de
You may feel discomfort or stiffness after wearing the
device at first; this is normal. However, if the PAIN is
INTENSE, it is recommended to immediately stop
wearing the device and consult a dental practitioner.
Increased salivation at the beginning, but it should cease
over time.
Tooth sensitivity that should stop after a few minutes and
diminish over time.
Stiffness or pain in the joints of the jaw that should cease
after 30 minutes and diminish over time. If the pain
continues or increases, consult a dental practitioner.
Impression of a change in the positioning of the jaw or
difficulty to replace lower jaw in its normal position; these
effects should vanish after approximately 30 minutes
(see “Helpful Morning Exercises”).
Impression of a discrepancy when closing the mouth
while wearing the device. You should feel that both sides
of the upper and lower splints come together at or about
the same time in a balanced manner. Otherwise, the
retainers may need a slight adjustment, please consult a
dental practitioner.
The Panthera Anti-Snoring Device is for adults and
must be used exclusively during sleep: at night or when
taking a nap.
Check the condition of the device on a regular basis. It
is recommended to consult a dental practitioner for an
annual check-up.
The development of new aching might be caused
by an improper adjustment of the device, it is then
recommended to stop wearing the device and consult a
dental practitioner.
The device is manufactured using high quality bio-
compatible material, but rare cases of allergies or
inflammation may occur. You must stop wearing the
device and consult your dental practitioner.
The device is resistant to temperature changes, but it
must be handled at room temperature. So if the device
has been left in the car in severe cold, it must return to
room temperature before it can be handled.
Note: Wearing a mandibular advancement device is not recommended
for people suffering from osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joints.