2022/07/28 09:15
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field, or only below the horizon depending on a switch setting) PASS will immediately shut down the laser
projector. Therefore Pangolin considers it to be mandatory that a light sensor be used in
safety-critical situations.
Because setting up PASS with a light sensor can be tricky and may be frustrating to get it working
perfectly, we recommend clients work closely and directly with Pangolin during this phase of projector
Application of this product within the United States
The mere act of putting PASS inside a laser projector will not instantly and automatically allow it to be
used within the United States for audience scanning. For that to occur, both the projector and the show
will need a variance, in exactly the same way that both the projector and show would need a variance if
it were not used for audience scanning. However, obtaining a variance for an audience- scanning
projector and even an audience-scanning show takes quite a bit of time and skill on the part of the
variance applicant.
In recent years, PASS has become a well-known name brand product, and the decades-long-employees
(founding fathers if you will) of the US Center for Devices and Radiological Health know PASS by name.
Nevertheless, simply mentioning PASS by name, in your variance application, should not be expected to
quickly open any doors… An audience-scanning variance application must describe what PASS does,
along with the other projector features (for example, no doubt including a lens installed either inside or
outside the laser projector to increase divergence) to help ensure audience safety. Finally, the audience-
scanning variance must include documentation on how the projector is setup, how measurements are
performed and verified, and how the projector is used at each event in ways that ensure audience safety.
For the most part, an audience-scanning variance application covers the same things that a more
ordinary variance application covers, but it covers them in a more rigorous way.
While drafting variances for audience scanning, and for general knowledge of what PASS does and how it
works, some people have found it handy to refer to the Patents on PASS. The issued US patent can be
found on the USPTO web site, or on Google Patents. It is called “Laser projector safety monitoring
system” and is covered by US Patent number: 7,756,174. In Europe, the patent application can be found
at the World Intellectual Property Organization web site. It is called “Laser projector for audience
scanning” and is covered by number: EP20060733773. In Australia, the issued patent can be on the IP
Australia web site. It is called “Laser projector for audience scanning” and is covered by Australia Patent
number 2006206400.
For those who do not have a lot of skill with filling out US Government paperwork, we recommend a laser
safety consultant, such as Greg Makhov, Casey Stack or Jay Parkinson. Within Europe and the United
Kingdom, we recommend James Stewart.
Ensuring the continued safe operation of projectors
Although PASS monitors the real-time activity of the laser projector power supply, scanner velocity,